Chapter 10

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Tim's POV:

Faith was in the kitchen prepping for dinner when I walked in. "What are we having for dinner?" I asked her and put my arms around her from behind. "I'm really not feeling like cooking so maybe we should just order pizza or something." She put everything away and leaned against the counter. "What's on your mind, baby? Something's wrong, I know." I rubbed her shoulders and kissed the back of her neck. "Just worried about Gracie. The look in her eyes when we got here, she was so scared. And when she told me she was scared.... she scared me." She looked down and bit her lip. "I know you were, I know she was. I was scared too. I know it's hard for you too, baby." I looked at her and I think she was about to cry. "Faith, come here." She turned around and I hugged her. This is very hard on her. "How about you call your girlfriends and y'all go out shopping tomorrow. You can take my credit card and go splurge. Go buy some nice shoes or whatever you want, just make sure to have fun. How does that sound?" I asked her and kissed the top of her head. "It sounds great baby. It will be nice to relax a bit and spend some of your money." She said and laughed. "But what about the kids?" She asked and poured herself a glass of water. "I can take care of my kids!" I said. "Okay, I'll do it." She said smiling. "Yes!!" I said and lifted her up and spun her around making her laugh, I love her laugh. "Do that again." I said and smiled at her. "Do what?" She said and wrapped her arms around my neck smiling. "Laugh like that, I love your laugh." I said and kissed her neck making her giggle lightly. I tickled her sides and she laughed hard. "Stop! I'll pee myself!" She screamed laughing. "I love you so much." I said and kissed her neck again. Maggie walked in the kitchen when Faith said it back. "Y'all are being gross." She said and grabbed a bottle of something from the fridge. "No, we're being cute." I said and put Faith down. "No, you're gross." She said and took a sip from her drink. I walked over to her and tickled her too, making her drop her bottle and her drink went all over the place. "That was your fault! You're cleaning that up." She said and laughed. Faith put her hands on her sides and had a look on her face. "You are. You're cleaning that up." She said and Maggie ran upstairs. "I'll clean it up. Sorry, baby." I grabbed a cloth and wiped everything up while Faith watched me. "I know I'm hot but you don't have to watch me clean up some disgusting green drink." I said and kept cleaning. She kicked my ass, not hard just enough to make me almost fall into the mess. "Faith!!" I heard her run away laughing. "I love you, baby!" She yelled. She's crazy but, I love her so much, she's the love of my life. I finished cleaning the mess I made and went to the living room where Faith was playing with Samuel. "Hey there." I said and laid down on the floor next to them. "Hi. You cleaned everything?" She said smiling. "Yes, I did." I said and chuckled. "Mama!" Samuel said and climbed on top of my chest. "I'm not your mama, little man. I'm your Dada, can you say Dada?" I asked him and rubbed his little head, he laughed and laid his head down on my chest. "Say Dada, you can do it." Faith said and moved closer to us. "Mama! Mama!" He said. "He's not gonna say it, he's a mama's boy." I said and smiled at her. "You're a mama's boy too." She said and leaned down for a kiss. "I'm your boy." I said and kissed her deeply. Samuel laughed softly when we kissed, I pulled away from the kiss and smiled at Faith. She winked at me and kissed Samuel's head. "Hey baby!" She said and Samuel laughed hard. "Mama!" He screamed laughing, I laughed with him and soon Faith started laughing too. The girls came down and laid with us. "What's so funny?" Maggie asked. "Samuel is, he's laughing like crazy." I said and looked at her smiling. Samuel looked at me and put his hands on my face. "Daaaa...." He said after a while. "Yeah, baby. Say Dada!" I said and sat up with him. "Daaada!" He said and my girls clapped their hands, I kissed his head and hugged him. "Yeah, that's me, baby boy!" The girls moved closer to me and hugged us. "Group hug, mom get in here." Audrey said laughing. "Okay!" Faith said excitedly, she put her arms around us and kissed the back of my head. "I love y'all so much." I said and smiled. "Mama! Samuel said trying to push us away. The girls moved away and Samuel started crying. "Mama!" He said and looked for Faith. "Mama's here, baby. It's okay." She said and took him, he cuddled into her and hugged her. "That's strange." I said and rubbed his back. "He's just hungry. I'll go get his bottle ready." She said and stood up. We all walked to the kitchen and the girls sat down. "What are we having for dinner?" Gracie asked. "We were thinking about ordering something." I said and helped Faith with the bottle. "Can we have pizza?" Audrey asked and looked at her sisters. "I love pizza" Maggie and Gracie said at the same time, they all laughed at that and Faith and I both smiled, I'm glad Gracie is feeling a little better. I'm a very lucky guy.

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