Chapter 23

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Can y'all do me a favor and comment what you think about this fanfic? I'm not really sure if y'all like it or not. :)

Tim's POV:

After we got Samuel down Faith, the girls and I watched a movie, a chick flick of course, I don't get a say in these matters. Faith says she hates them but she loves them, I know it, it's hilarious when she watches it because she tries to pretend she doesn't like it but sometimes she forgets. I like watching her more than the movie itself. When the movie was finishing I almost fell asleep. "This was a great movie!" Audrey said and got up. "Yeah, it was." Maggie said and snuggled closer to Faith. "Can't we just sleep in here? I don't wanna get up." Gracie said and moved closer to me. "I don't think y'all want to." I said and chuckled. "Gross!" They both said and jumped out of bed. "Tim!" Faith said and slapped my chest. "Ow!" She smiled and the girls ran out. "You just scarred our daughters for life." Faith said and laughed. "I sure did." I replied laughing and kissed her sniling. "I love you." I said and she smiled. "I love you too." She said and hugged me. "Can we watch a movie? A romantic movie?" Faith asked me and kissed my cheek. "Of course, baby." I said and Faith looked through Netflix and picked a movie. We watched it tangled in each others arms. I can't believe how lucky I am to have this woman here with me, she has been through hell and back with me and because of me and she's still here. I'm the luckiest man in the world, she carried out children for nine months, some less and she's still here, she loves me and I love her. "I love you so much." I whispered in her ear and kissed the back of her neck. She giggled. "I love you too" She said smiling. "Are you happy?" I asked and she kept watching the movie. "I'm happy." She said and put her hands on mine. I tightened my grip around her and buried my face in her hair.

*Two days later*

"When can we go visit Grandma and Grandpa in Mississippi?" Audrey asked at the breakfast table. I looked at Faith and she looked back at me. "Y'all wanna go there?" She asked and took a sip of her coffee. "Yeah." They all said. "I want to go away from here and we haven't been there in a while so I think it would be great to to visit them." Gracie said and smiled. "That's a great idea girls, mom and I will talk about it and figure out a time." I said and smiled. Faith smiled too and have Samuel some food. "Yeah, that would be great." She said. "Okay, thank you!" Audrey said and then they all left for school. "When should we go?" I asked Faith. "I think we need to go today or tomorrow... I have this feeling and I really want to talk to my mama." She said and she looked upset. "Okay, I'll call my people and we can leave right after the girls come back from school." I said and took all the dirty dishes. "Okay, I'm gonna go pack, can you keep an eye on Samuel?" Faith asked. "Of course." I said and she left. She's been acting weird, I hope she'll talk to me about it

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