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Ethan's pov

Man I only have one week left until school starts back. I'm half way through my senior year and I'm not ready.

I get up take a shower and then rap the towel around my waste. I head to my room and I see through the window and I see Josh's sister. LJ. I open the window and throw a small rock I have.

LJ opens her window with irritation.

"What do you want?" LJ says

"I was wondering if you were dead. I texted you last night with no reply." I give her a smirk

"I wasn't at my phone and haven't been on my phone since last night." She says with sass.

"Oh well keep your phone on you. Because a girl so beautiful like you isn't going to get away from me I'll make sure of it." I say very serious

"Ok sure. Whatever." She closes her window.

I get dressed and head over to Josh's house to tell him some knew my parents told me last night.

I get there and LJ opens the door.

"Oh my beautiful girl. Where is your brother?" I ask walking in real close to her.

"I'm not your girl and he is in his room." She says and walks away and man does that ass look good.

I head upstairs and I see josh on his computer.

"Josh I need to tell you something that will change your life." I say so movie like." I'm moving in"

"What no your not. Why would you say that?" He says turning around confused.

"Well last night that is what your mom and my parents we're talking big about. And I move in in about a month." I say to him

"Man that's great but why are you moving in?" He says with a very concerned look.

"My parents are going on a trip to Africa for a year to help the African people." I say

My parents a doctors. Well my mom is my dad is a social worker. He helps with my mom and stuff like this.

"Well I don't know how my sister will feel about this." Josh says sounding concerned

LJ's pov

I look at my phone and I have a text for baby daddy. I text it then after I sent the message I realized who it was. It's Ethan. I change his name in my phone to 'mr. Badboy'

I text my best friend Sam and ask her to come over. She text back and tells me she will be in 10 minutes.

I go to Josh's room to ask him if he has some earphones. When I walk in I see Ethan shirtless for some reason.

"I came in head to ask for some earphones but now I'm wondering why he's shirtless in your room?" I say confused

"Well I turned around and I spilled my drink on him and my bed. I was about to give him a shirt." Josh says heading to his closest

When Josh looks for a shirt Ethan gets up and walks toward me.

"Well hello beautiful. I saw that you got my text. So you know who it is now?" He says with a wink

"Yeah I know and don't text me. It's weird."" I saw about to walk out.

"Wait you forgot something."

He hands me my phone wondering how he does that and I look slightly down and I see a beautiful muscular body.

"Hey beautiful my eyes and your phone are up here. Also a girl named Sam says she is here." I grab my phone and head downstairs.

I see Sam come in and I hug her. Then I hear foot steps behind me.

"Oh your Sam. I'm LJs nice hock up." I turn around and hear Ethan say

Sam pulls me for a side bar.

"You hocked up with mr. Badboy?" She says happy

"No. It's Josh's friend. He lives next door." I say and walk away from her.

"Ok so Ethan this is Sam and Sam this is Ethan." I say and walk away.

"Hey Sam. Make sure she answers her phone. " he says to Sam thinking he is quiet.

"Um actually you don't have to worry you can hang with us."" She says and I get mad

"Sam no he is hanging with Josh." Me mad at her.

"Sam do you play Xbox?" Ethan asks her

"You bet I do." She say happy

"Well Josh has a forth controller so we can hang together."" He says and give me an hot evil smirk.

"Sounds great be up in a sec." She says and Ethan heads upstairs.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I say so mad I want to slap her.

"Come on he is the bad boy and he seems like he likes you." She gives me a bump

"No he just thinks I am a next door bottey call." I say

"Come on let's go its to late now." I nob my head and we go up to the bonus room and the guys got the stuff set up.

I had to sit next to Ethan because Sam sat down first. Bitch. I love her though. Durning the whole game I was wiping there asses at the game.

We finally finished and it was 4 pm. Wow the whole day has gone. Sam heads home because she has work and Josh goes and get Ethan and I some food.

I sit in my room and Ethan walks in. He looks at me with a smirk and walks to my bed. He gets on my bed and puts his hands on my knees. He moves close to me and I start to get really nervous.

"Hello beautiful. So what are you doing in your room by yourself. You could hang out with me. I'm really fun." He says and comes even closer.

"I'm watching tv. I am also fine hangout by myself. Thank you." I say and he looks at me and then just sits down.

"You know your brother isn't home. Your moms not home. We are in your room alone. Your in shorts and a t-shirt. I could rip off." He says looking at me confused

"Are you trying to hint at that we could fuck. Well im not going to fuck you. 1. Because you are my brothers best friend and 2. Your a fuckboy." I say and I get up from my bed and walk to my door.

"Well I will get you to love me one day but you are hard to get to crack. I mite be going easy on you because your my best friend sister but also it mite be that your to tough." He say and walks close to me.

"Well sorry mr. Badboy in not one of your little dolls." I say disgusted

He puts his arm on the door right next to my face and comes close to my neck. "Oh this is the beginning. Wait till I move in beautiful." He kisses my neck so slight I almost fall I would have fallen if I wasn't filled with rage about him moving in.

Hey guys thanks for reading hope you liked it.

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