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LJs pov

It's been 3 days since the shooting. We went to school yesterday and no one would talk. I can't sleep because every time I do I see the the body on the ground. I see Andrew.

Andrew is this guy i have known since middle school. He always gave me gum or paper. He was a great guy. We hung out a bit the high school we were in 4th block together. He was depressed. His parents died in a car crash. Then he lived with his grandmother and then she got cancer and died.

"LJ are you ok." Sam asks me

"Oh yeah im ok. I'm just thinking." I say

"Ok well the bell rang so let's go. Today is a half day." She says

I stand up and walk out with her. I head to my locker and the only thing to snap me out was Ethan. But he was with some girl. It was Jessica Tatum.

She had her hands all over him. Of course knowing him he didn't do anything. I walk to my locker which was about 3 lockers away from them.

"Oh hey Lexi." Says Jessica and Ethan turns around.

"Oh hey Jessica." I say turning to my locker

"So Ethan you want to hang out later." I hear Jessica ask him.

"Um I don't know." He says

"Oh come on it will be fun." She says and puts her hand on his chest.

"Alright." He says and I feel my face get red with anger.

"Hey LJ tell josh I'll be home later." He says to me

"Um ok but we were gonna do something tonight but I guess you have plains." I lie

"Oh yeah I forgot shit. I'm sorry Jessica I cant tonight." He says and he lies

"Oh it's fine but tomorrow ok?" She says and flutters her eyelashes

"Promise." He says and winks

She walks and he turns to me. "So why did you lie about tonight?" He asks

"Why did you?" I ask

"I asked first?" He says

"I saved your butt from the date." I say

"It wasn't a date more like a hock up." He says and I get angry, " your face is red are you ok?" He asks

"Yeah I'm fine. I'll see you later." I leave school and hope in the car.

I drive to this kickboxing place. One certain days no one is there, besides the front d so person to let people in. I go there to let stress out.

I get in and change into a blue sports bra and some tight workout shorts. I rap up my hands before I start to hit the punching bag.

I hit it hard and then harder. Then I start to kick it. Every time I close my eyes I see Andrews body. I try not to close them but it's hard. The more I close my eyes the harder I kick and punch.

"Woah woah woah! Calm down dear." I hear a voice behind me. I stop and turn around.

"Um hello?" I ask

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