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LJs pov

I only have two weeks until the summer is over and I'm off to college. Jasper and I have gotten really close. I told everyone everything to clear things up about the Peter and jasper thing. Everyone likes him except Ethan.

I have gotten use to just see Ethan and talking to him but i still have this utter deep love for him. I found him my first love and that's what he'll always be. I know I will always love h...

"Hey LJ are you ready to go?" Sam asked

"Oh yeah let's go." I say getting up from my bed.

Jasper, Josh, Sam, and I hop in the truck on the way to Anders university. We are checking out our dorms.

Sam and I aren't in to same room but she is just down the hall. The room is a good size and my room mate seems cool.

We all head over to the court yard where they have things set up with food and drinks. Everyone mixes and mingles. I talk to a few people that are going into journalism.

By the time everything seem pretty much done, we dropped jasper off and we went home. He did ask me if I wanted to stay but I still had a lot of packing to do.

We got home to find Ethan asleep on the couch with our dog staring at him.

"I'll handle this. You two go to bed." I tell Josh and Sam

I walk over to the couch and sit down. "Ethan. Ethan. Wake up." I say rubbing the hair out of his face. "Come on Ethan go sleep in your bed." I lean down to yell in his ear but he roles over and makes me fall. Then He falls on top of me.

"Oh I'm so sorry LJ are you ok?" Ethan ask as he helps me up.

"Yeah I'm fine. I was trying to wake you up before the dog did." I said and he looked back at the couch and the dog was laying down.

"So how did the thing go?" He ask like he cared.

"It went well. I met some people totally casual." I say with a smile, "um ok well I'm gonna go to bed." I say feeling so awkward

"Alright well I guess I should to. I have to start packing." He says

"What? You leave in 3 days and your stuff as to be ships by tomorrow night." I say shocked

"Well I've been busy." He says but I know he's lying

"Ok but if you need help I'm not working tomorrow so just ask me." I say

"Won't you be with jasper." He say snarky

"No. He has to work at the pizza place tomorrow." I say, "but if you don't want my help that's fine." I say walking off.

"No no. I need your help. Pleaseeeeee." He says getting on his knees

"Ok fine go to bed." I run upstairs and change out of my dress and into a big shirt and once I put it on I realized its Ethan's shirt from our night we had together.

I just think of all the secrets I was keeping from him and I just cry myself to sleep.

2 days later

"Tomorrow is the day guys. I will miss you all so much when I leave" Ethan says coming into the living room that morning.

"We'll miss you too Ethan, but you have to come for holiday." Josh says

" well y'all look for me. I'll be doing all the sports reporting out there in Michigan." Ethan says

"We sure will. Now look out for little miss writer over here in the New York Times later in life." Sam days and make me blush.

Us four all hang out all day together like we use too. We went to the mall and got on the carousel and acted like little kids. We got new penny boards and road through the mall.

We almost got kick out until the guard was an old class mate and he let us go. We went through stores and tried on crazy  clothes. We had so much fun. We got to the truck and hoped in. It was about 10pm by the time we got home .

We all went outside and laid in the grass and Watched the stars. We just laid there and talked.

We all went to our rooms and then someone knocked on my door. I opened the door and it was Ethan.

"Hey I know you don't remember but I love you." He says and kisses me.

He walks out and tears come to my eyes. I haven't told him. I sit in my room for 10 minutes and realize I have to tell him.

I run out of my room and he was asleep. I didn't won't to wake him. I'll just tell him in the morning. I go to bed and think about how it's all going to change.

I wake up and my alarm had been going off. I looked at it and it was almost 11am. I run to Ethan's room and he's gone and so are his to bags he was taking.

I run to Josh's room and Josh and Sam are still there. I run into my room and put on some shorts and shoes and run out of the house. I jump into the car and back out of the drive way.

I head to the airport and I try calling Ethan but he won't answer. I get stuck in traffic. And I only have 40 minutes until he leaves.

I finally arrived at the airport and I get a spot and run inside. I tell some lady that I have a huge emergency and I have to talk to someone before they get in the plain. We hop into one of the little carts they have and we get to gate B22.

Then I  get to the lady at the desk. "Is this gate b22?" I ask

"Yes but the plain is about to take off its on the runway." She says and I look out the window and I see my first loves plain taking off into the sky.


Hey guys hope you liked it. Also I hope your prepared I have a big suppose for the next chapter

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