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LJs pov

I get out of the hotel and go outside and I was half way up the rainy street. He comes over to me and kisses me lik in my favorite movie.

" LJ I know I have been and idiot and I haven't told people the truth but Lexi Adele Jackson will you give me a second chance?" He says

"Um Ethan get up." I say and he wipes his knee off. "Ethan I am gonna go home to my apartment and I'm going to give you a chance." I say

"Oh thank you you won't..." he doesn't get to finish," but you have to take me to dinner tomorrow." I say

"Ok where?" He asks

"Surprises me." I say and walk away

I wake up and leave ok over and see Grayson.


I get home and I have a dog running to me.

"Oh hello baby. Were you a good puppy?" I ask in a voice

"Hey there LJ." My dog sitter says

"Hey Grayson." I say with a little flirt to it

"I was wondering do you want to go to the movies sometime I got rewards and I thought it would be nice." He says

"Well I'm not the one with you all the time so let's ask Ryle." I say and look at my dog, "Rylee should I go to the movies with Grayson?" I ask

"Ruff!" My dog barks

"I guess that's a yes."
*out of flash back

I get up and I look at the time and it's 8pm and I go downstairs .

"Hey babe." I hear a voice behind me

"Hey there sexy." I say and kiss him

"So Rylee and I learned A knew trick." He says

"Oh what's the trick for ryle?" I ask

"Ryle!" He calls for her, "dance beautiful." He says and she jumps and dances

"Aw good girl that's my baby." I say and get yo and look at him. "So what's your new trick?" I say seductively

"Well how about I show you." He says leaning in and then the bell.

"Damn it!" I say and answer the door."hello?" I ask

"Hi I'm looking for a Grayson Dolton." The guy says

"Yeah that's me. Why?" He says

"Here's your package." The guy says and walks off.

"What is it?" I ask

He opens the box and it was just a tshirt. "Oh my gosh this is from our old college jersey.

"Why would they send it?" I ask he looks through the box and finds an invitation.

"They are inviting me to a reunion. All the people that were apart of sports will be there. Please go with me." He says getting on his knees

"Um do I have to to?" I wine

"Please I can show off how I have a sexy beautiful girlfriend." He says

"You still think your gonna get laid don't you?" I ask with a smile

"I was hoping but I really want you to go with me. Please???" He says

"Ok when is it?" I ask

"Tomorrow night. It's only 30 minutes away." He says

"Ok fine but your not getting any tonight." I say

"Well then I'll have my hands all over you." He says and grabs my waste.

"I was counting on it." I say

Next day

I wake up too see the cutest thing in the world Ryle. "Hey baby what are you doing in momma bed?" I say petting her

"Here you go beautiful." Grayson says giving Ryle a bone and she runs out of the room. He climbs on the bed and gets on top of me and kisses my neck.

"Hey what did I say. No sex before the reunion." I say and he moves

"So we can have sex at the reunion?" He says with a cute smirk.

"I have to go but I'll be back at 3 to get ready." I say and get up. I get ready and leave and head down to the library to sign books.

I start signing books and some guy comes up to me. "Hey can you make this book out to Ethan?" The guy says and I can't see his face. I sign the book.

I finished signing books and I walk over to my manger. "Hey last night you took me home right strip home?" I ask

"Yeah I watched you go in. It was about 5pm." She says

"Ok thanks I'll talk to you later." I say and walk out to my car.

On the way home I think about what I guess was a dream. I head inside and I see Grayson in the couch asleep shirtless. I lay in him and he wakes up.

"Oh hey. How was the book signing?" He asks

"It was good. I wanted to ask last night I came home at 5pm right?" I ask

"Yeah your manager brought you home because you had a few drinks." He says

"Ok I just had a weird dream that I saw Ethan again. It felt real so real." I say with tear in my eyes. Grayson grabs me and hugs me.

"LJ calm down. I'm here I'll always be here. You were here for me after my mom past I'm going to be here for you with anything you need. Your my love. I can't forget all the things you did for me." He says " and if you did see him tell him thank you for giving me such and amazing girlfriend." Grayson says and makes me laugh with a smile. I give him a hug and kiss him. I go upstairs and get ready. (Outfit below)

We get to the school and I text josh asking him if he was here

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

We get to the school and I text josh asking him if he was here. We get inside and we see so many people that we remember. I talk to a few people and they ask me about my book. I look around I go stand with Grayson. I give him a smile with a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Hey LJ guess who I found?" I hear josh say and I turn around and I see Ethan.

Hey guys hope you like it

My Brothers best friend the bad boy.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora