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Ethan's pov

I pull away from the kiss and I just look at her beautiful green eyes. I can't help it but I go back in for another kiss and she takes it. About a minute later I pull away and I see people dancing and cheering. Then I notice she was gone. Mia.

I look around everywhere. She isn't in the house. I find two of her friends Lisa and Amber. They help me look. I look outside of the house and I still didn't find her. 'Oh god I shouldn't have kissed her. She was scared. I scared her away'

I look over and I see Logan.

"Hey Logan.Have you seen Mia." I say with total shock in my eyes.

"No last time I saw you kissing her." He says and I run back to the car.

She wasn't there. I look inside in the attic and the basement. All the rooms and bathrooms. Which I saw some stuff I can't unsee.

I try to call her and it rings but no one answered. I find Lisa and Amber. They haven't found her either.

"It's ok Ethan we will find her. She can't be far. I promise she is ok." Amber says but I snap

"What if she's not ok. What if someone has her. It's New Years there are people out there drunk." I say and then realized what has happened.

I run outside and go to this place she took me the first time we met and Amber and Lisa follow. We get there but she isn't there. I look around and I see something twinkle in the moonlight. I run over to it and it was Mia. But she has been run over.

"Mia are you ok. Mia! Mia!" I shout "call 911 right now."

Lisa starts to call and I try to get Mia to wake up. The ambulance arrives and I get in with her. Lisa and Amber get into their cars. We get to the hospital and I immediately call her parents like a responsible guy. Her parents were on their way.

Lisa, Amber, and I wait for her parents in the waiting area. Then a doctor comes up to us.

"Are you her for Mia jones?" she asks us. I nod my head. " we just took her into surgery. As it looks it's pretty bad. A few broken ribs, some internal bleeding, and some brain bleeding."

"Will she be ok." I ask pushing it out.

"Right now we don't know. We will find out soon." She says very nicely but i don't.

"How can you not tell! She is only 16 years old! She can't die today!" The lady gets scared of me. "Ma'am I'm sorry."

"I understand I would be scared too. Just hang in there." She walks away and I just sit there with my head in my hands crying.

Her parents finally arrive and I tell them what happened and what the doctor said. Mia's mom just starts crying and so does her dad.

As we wait I think of how I could have prevented this all. Then the doctor comes back. We all stand waiting for news.

"She is stable but we want to see how she is overnight. " she gives us a smile and so do we.

That night I stay in the waiting area. Then I see a bunch of people head to her room running and yelling.

The doctors get those paddle things out and keep saying push Eppy. They get done and come talk to me.

"She is stable we are taking her back to surgery. It looks as her brain bleed she had is a lot more serious then we thought so we are going to see how things work." She leaves me alone. Her parents went to the cafeteria to get some coffee.

I see her parents come back and I tell them like before about everything that has happened. The surgery, the coding, the brain bleed, everything.

I sit there trying not to think about it. 'It is all my fault.' I see her doctor with not a so happy face on it.

" Mia's had a brain bleed. We did everything we could." That's when her mother broke down, " I am so sorry but she is gone." Then I broke down.

Mia's parents leave and head home around 4am but I just stayed there in the waiting area. Thinking. 'It's my fault. I shouldn't have pushed her to go to the party. She would have still been alive and well.' I get up and go outside and just start screaming. I start to punch the wall over and over and over again. I look at my fist and it was bleeding. One of the nurses patch me I'm and I head home. And cry my eyes out until I told myself 'I can't do this to myself anymore. I can't love anyone else. I can't feel.'

After that school year was over I moved and started going to Elmore High School. Where I met my best friend Josh.
"Hey Ethan are you ok. Ethan are you ok." I see LJ asking me.

"Um yeah sorry. What did you say." I ask shaking it off.

"I asked what is something you never told anyone." She asks me

"I have never told anyone that I don't a dance class when I was younger." I give a laugh. Then LJ laughs and it reminds me of her.

Almost everything about LJ reminds me of Mia. The thing about Mia. Is something I have never told anyone not even Josh. I don't tell people about my life before.

My parents are going to Africa to help the people but also because they don't want to care for me. I still have bad dreams about that night. Holding her in my arms all bloody. My parents don't want to deal with my act. I have changed since then. I use to be such a good kid but know in the bad boy. For the rest of my life that's all I thought I would be. Then LJ came into my life and she changes me.

Hey guys hope you liked it. So information on Ethan's life.

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