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LJs pov

I wake up I'm laying in peters bed, but nothing happened. I guess we fell asleep when we were talking. I get up and head to the bathroom and change for my shift. I put some makeup on and walk out of the bathroom.

I go and grab my stuff and once I grabbed it I looked and say that Peter was awake.

"Good morning. Nice hair." I say with a laugh.

"Morning to you too." He gets out of bed and comes over to me," where are you going?" He says holding my hands

"I have to go work and bring you breakfast." I say and his face gets bright.

I head down to the kitchen and I see my boss. He looked really angry.

"Is something wrong sir?" I ask

He turns to me and looks relieved to see me. "Oh god thank you. None of the other staff showed up, so you need you to do these rooms. I have the other half. I so sorry to do this to you, but I promise I pay you extra for it." He says and my face just was in shock.

I grabbed the clip bored I looked for Peter on it and he wasn't there. "Um sir I don't have Peter King on my sheet." I say

"We don't have a Peter King only jasper King." He says," if you would like him he's on my sheet. It's go some of your normal people you do on there." He switches boards with me.

I get like five carts full of food to give people on the top floor. I get to the very last room on the floor and its Peter or jasper.

I knock on the door and he answers. "What the hell your names not Peter?" I yell at him

"Whatever here's your food." I say and walk out angry.

I give all the food out to all the people and I realized I hadn't eaten. I head up to his room and I knock calmly.

He opens the door and I bust in. " I don't have much time so tell me." I say

"Ok my name is jasper I have a twin and his name is Peter but he pasted away last year. He told me everything about you before he died." He says and I feel my heart fall.

"How did he die?" I say

"He had stomach cancer. That night he took a picture of you two and I've had it on my phone forever. I told him I would find you and your tell you but then I saw you and I changed it all." He says and my heart just breaks

"So you are his brother. You came and found me to tell me. Then you changed your mind. Are you even the pizza for a king owners kid!" I ask

"Yes and I'll introduce you to him and he'll tell you. He is the one paying for this hotel to pay for my brothers dying wish." He says and I can see him tearing up.

In that moment my buzzer goes off mean someone wants something from a room. "I'm sorry I have to go but I'll be back." I say and hug him and I leave.

I give the food to the room but I don't have the strength the go back to his room. I head down to the kitchen and just fall to the floor crying. Not that it's not really Peter but the story.

I get up and walk around a little more I get a few more food and drink request. It was lunch and half the people where gone out to eat. I go al around the hotel giving food and and new towels.

Before I knew it, it was 8 o'clock. I get to the kitchen and punch out. I look at my phone and I had a bunch of text from pet... Jasper. I head upstairs and I knock on the door.

He opens the door and I walk in and sit on the bed. We just stare at each other for a second. I look at his eyes and I can tell he had been crying. I get up and over to him and just hug him.

"I'm so sorry. I know how bad cancer can take some people. I have stomach cancer as well." I say

"He looks at me and says, "I know."

"What I don't tell people how do you know." I move a at from him

"Because you and my brother had chemo together.   He found out a few months before he pasted. You didn't recognize him without his hair." He says and stops," the day he pasted he was going to tell you it was him because he was nervous." He says and there he goes he starts crying

I grab him b fore he hit the floor. I hold him and we just cry and sit together. He tells me all theses this him and Peter did. They have a sister named Betty and they were all called pb&j.  We both laughed.

I looked and and everything started to get fuzzy. "Are you ok?" He asks

"I don't know you fuzzy." I Says

"Have you eaten today." I shake my head and he runs over to the tray of food. He grabs a roll and on of the Mountain Dews.

I eat the roll and drink some of MD. Everything starts to go back to normal. "Has that ever happen to you before?" He asks

"Yeah but I was just dehydrated." I say

"You need to eat everyday even if it's just snacks. Your stomach can handle that kind of strength without food." He says giving me a concerned but thoughtful look.

"Thanks.  Did you have to do that with Peter?" I ask

"No he would keep on top of me for it. I told him I would eat like him until it was all done." I give a smile and for the first time I felt like I had someone to relate with.

Hey guys hope you like it

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