Chapter 23

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'I take a step closer, gulping.

He takes one, also. I can smell the alcohol in his breath but I ignore it.
I place my hand on his cheek and..'


PJ places a hand over my cheek. His breath was warm and smells slightly of beer. I'm drunk but it doesn't matter. I know very well what I'm doing. I know it isn't right. But yet I can't seem to stop...

I put a hand around his waist. He puts a hand on my knee. He opens his mouth to speak but before he can say anything I close the gap between our lips in a passionate kiss.

Chris what are you doing?
You have a girlfriend.
This isn't right.

Words are hurricaning through my mind but all I can think about was PJ. My best friend. The way he laughs. His beautiful green eyes. And most of all his kiss. The kiss that I have the pleasure of receiving.

A familiar voice brings me suddenly back to reality.

"Chris?" Emma calls as she opens the door.


It is happening finally, it was all going perfectly... until Emma opens the door. Chris smiles innocently at her.

"I thought I'd find you here!" She laughs, kissing Chris on the lips. It pains me to see it.


Luckily Emma hadn't noticed. She kisses me lightly on the lips. I can't help but feel bad. It wasn't right. To have Emma kiss the lips that PJ has kissed just seconds before. It must be breaking his heart, as it would hers if she knew.

"PJ said he needed to talk to me so we came somewhere a little quieter." I lie, laughing nervously.

"Okay come back down soon." Emma says, before PJ interrupts.

"It's fine. I was just leaving." He says, looking hurt.

I sigh. I have no choice but to stay with Emma and let PJ go home by himself, upset. I feel guilty but at the same time I cant risk Emma finding out...


And so I leave. I run down the stairs, pushing pass the mass of people and through the door. I begin to walk home, a stream of salty tears fall down my cheeks. I've completely ruined my chances of me and Chris ever getting together. He was with Emma. She makes him happy. I shouldn't have got involved. But... couldn't I make him happy too?

A/N: okay the next chapter is gonna be a whole lot of phan fluff because chapter 25 is gonna be a big one so yeah get ready for that

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