chapter 7

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Taehyung crossed his arms over his chest. He shut up so now what? He was looking at out at the window. Waiting for Jungkook to start talking.

"Taehyung... Look at me". Jungkook pleaded.

Taehyung just kept starring out at the window. He didn't have time for this. "Jungkook just take me home. If not I'll walk all the way home".

"Taehyung... Look at me". Jungkook asked but still, Taehyung still didnt look at him. And this pissed him off. It pissed him off that Taehyung would not listen to anything he's saying .

So Jungkook got out of the car, walking all the way around to the other side and opened the passenger door.

"wha-what are you doing?".Taehyung asked with wide eyes.

"Get out the car!". Jungkook yelled.

"No, take me home Jungkook".

Jungkook was fed up with this behaviour. So he pulled the older out of the car by his wrist. Once he was fully out of the car he pushed him back against the car.

"Now you listen to me you piece of shit! You have to listen to me when I'm talking to you. You belong to me- he placed his fingers under Taehyungs shirt, placing his hand on his stomach, applying a little pressure. Maybe too much- and this... This is mine to". Jungkook said.

"J-Jungkook you're hurting me". Taehyung said feeling Jungkooks fingers..

Jungkook's grip got tighter on Taehyungs wrists. Taehyung had tears in his eyes at the amount of pain he was feeling right at his abdominal area. But he promised himself he was gonna fight back. He spat in Jungkook's face.

"Fuck you!". Taehyung shouted with the tears that were streaming down his face.

Jungkook wiped his cheek, and with that same hand he struck down at Taehyung. Making the olders head whip to the side. Shock and pain flit, and contort on Taehyungs face.

"All you had to do was fucking listen!".

"Get back into the car!!". Jungkook shouted. Making the older flinch. The tears still streaming down Taehyung

Taehyung got back in the minute Jungkook let go of his wrists. With Jungkook slamming the door shut. Before walking back around the other side getting in and started the car and drove off.


It was Monday morning 4:48 am when Taehyung woke up.

He starred at his refection in the mirror taking in his features. The dark circles under his eye's and the blue rim from yesterdays hard slap he received from Jungkook.

He thought he was out of tears. That he had run dry but there was more tears rolling down his face. He hated himself for letting Jungkook do this to him. For touching him the way that he does.

He slowly lifted up his sweater. Revealing slight blue marks on his stomach. It was the tips of Jungkooks fingerprints left behind. He silently cried and walked back into the bedroom.

Jungkook was still sound asleep so he crept into bed wrapping his arm around the olders waist and dug his face into his back. Crying silently.

Jungkook felt the dip in the bed. And he felt the wetness seeping into his clothes. He shifted turning around and somehow turning on the bed didnt stop Taehyung from burying his face into Jungkook's firm chest. Making the younger sigh and wrap his arms around his husband falling back to sleep. Cause shit. It was early and he needed to get up for work.


Jungkook woke up to find Taehyung still fast asleep next to him.

Jungkook decided to stand up. He still didn't get enough sleep in but alas. He got up taking out one of his suits and grabbed a towel to take a shower.

Im sorry BABYDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora