Chapter 23

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Dedicated to Elxaine(first one to comment in forever soo... This ones for you)

There was Joonsuh sleeping on the little hospital bed, snoring softly. Everyone was quiet and Taehyung didn't waste any time to go to his baby, and sat down at his head, shifting little Joonsuh so that his head was resting on his lap. He stroked his baby's hair with his delicate fingers.

"Did the doctor say anything about his condition? He's gonna be okay right?". Jessi asked.

"Yeah... He'll be okay. I can't believe I was soo stupid for not telling Jungkook or mentioning the epi-pen... If he didn't get medical attention in time...-".

"okay lets not think about the negatives right now. As long as he's okay and stabilised", Jungkook butt in when he saw the olders face contort, twisting just thinking about the possibility of Joonsuh... Not making it.

"Who was watching him anyway?". Jimin asked.

"I was watching MY son... Do you have a problem with that?".

"Yeah I do, he could've died. That's the bigger picture here". Jimin said sneering at Jungkook .

"Okay, what the hell is your problem?". Jungkook was fed up with this idiot. Tolerating him long enough. His hand balled into a fist.

"You are my fucking problem. If it wasn't for you none of this would've happened! None of this... The two of you... Joonsuh wouldn't even exist of it wasn't for you and your fucked up family". Jimin said red in the face and at the tip of his ears with anger.

"Jimin don't say that!". Taehyung scowled.

"And why the hell not?".

"Cause Joonsuh Is the best thing that's ever happened to me". Taehyung.

Joonsuh whined in his sleep. Interrupting and easing the tension, that was turning into a thick combustible cloud. Gaining Taehyungs attention immediately.

"Shhh... Daddy is here okay. Go back to sleep...". He cooed softly rubbing Joonsuh's soft and delicate cheek.

"I cant believe this-".

"Okay listen here shorty. I don't like you. And I sure as hell ain't gonna let you talk about my family that way okay... I think its best that you leave. Joonsuh is fine, that's what you came here for right now you saw, if you have another motive you better get your ass the hell outtah here". Jessi said having enough about this asshole insulting her older brother.

Jimin gave up lifting his hands up in surrender and turned to leave without saying good-bye. Jungkook sat down on one of the chairs in the room. Once Jimin left he felt relieved like he could breathe for the first time. He sighed deeply. Looking up at Jessi "Thank you".

"Yeah but I do love a good fight though. Even if you tried killing him it would've been futile cause we're in a hospital".

Jungkook chuckled."True..".

"I'll check if mom and dad, are on their way here yet". Jessi said walking out with her phone in hand.

leaving only the two of them now.

Jungkook was starring at Taehyung watching over Joonsuh. His eyes slowly drooping. He trailed how sexy his jawline looked soo appealing to him. He wanted nothing more than to kiss it but if the older ever knew the youngers intentions... It has been a long time ever since that incident with Hak-Kun.

Taehyung looked up from the sleeping Joonsuh to Jungkook who's eyes diverted to their son. Watching as he ran a hand through his hair, at the same time stopping mid-way when their eyes met eachother... (God its hot in here). Not one of them backing down from starring.

Im sorry BABYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon