chapter 11

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Jungkook's been distracted lately. 4 fucking years and still they turn up with no information about Taehyung or whether the baby was born.

Jungkook stood at the office window. Just starring into space and no particular building at all. He's been thinking about alot of things.

Knock! Knock!

Jungkook turned to look at his new best friend Yoongi.

"Kookie... I've been thinking about something that doesn't quite add up".

But Jungkook wasn't taking note about the conversation. He was in his own little world starring back out at the window. Distant.

"Jungkook!!! Are you listening to me?!!".

"Hmn?". Jungkook shook his head. Trying to clear his mind to listen.

"Someone has been up to no good. We've caught the mole. Its your one and only secretary. So where is the fucker?".

Jungkook frowned. "That's not possible. Hak-Kun wouldn't dare mess with private information of this company's shareholders".

"He's been caught on camera. Even Chanyeol admitted it. But Chanyeol came clean. Hak-Kun... Where's Hak-Kun".

"He's in the copy room". Jungkook said following's Yoongi all the way into the copy room.

Jungkook frowned at his lawyers being there. And most of his shareholders of the company being there as eye witnesses.

And just like Jungkook said where he would be . He was there. Dancing to some random music with his back faced to everyone. Unaware of the people around him. When he finally turned while doing a dance move he stumbled back out of surprise.

Everyone was looking at him angrily. And Jungkook with the exact same expression.

Because this is a dirty business, they deal with ruthless people, thugs, you name it. They always invest in Jungkooks company. Every investor has a dirty little secret too. And because the company discloses those information they trust him with the truth.

And what Hak-Kun has he could ruin the lives of his investors. Wreck apart families.

The dirty secrets might be that one of the investors have a two different sets of families. The other sick fantasies he cant do to his wife. If they don't get what they want at home. They get some somewhere else.

"What did you do Hak-Kun. Give back the hard drive".

"I don't know what you're talking about". Hak-Kun said looking at everyone in the small room.

"Chanyeol already confessed. He came clean but you. Everything points back to you". Jungkook said looking at him blinking a few times. This is not the Hak-Kun he remembers.

"Me? Are you fucking serious? Everything turns back to me? Are you listening to yourself? All I've ever done was be good to you. All I've ever done was do as I was told by you. All I've ever done was satisfy your needs. I have been by your side ever since you started out at this company. I've treated you like no one else. You are my world Jungkook. But then that ended when you found out that Taehyung was pregnant, and you forgot about me completely. What did I do to deserve the cold shoulder huh?!!". Hak-Kun burst out.

"I've been begging, grovelling at your feet, kissing the floor you walk on. But what do I get out of this? When we have sex it's disgusting its not the way we used to make love to each other and it irks me. You ruined me. And the only thing that seems important to you is this company, so this was the way I chose to ruin you Jungkook".

He said turning his back to face the window. To sit down. The only place he could escape was a window . But there was absolutely no balcony.

"Give us the hard drive Hak-Kun, for all we know you mightve even kidnapped Jungkooks family".

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