chapter 15

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As much as Taehyung tried to sleep. He just couldn't. He keeps having those nightmares. The nightmares of Jungkook ontop of him. When he closes his eyes. He then thinks of Jungkook pressing his head into the pillow. How the younger made him feel weak. Powerless. Hopeless. Unloved. Everything else except love. There was nothing lovable about Jungkook. Accept the fact that he has Joonsuh with him. But that's a completely different reason to why Taehyung is even allowing Jungkook to be in the same bed as him. He turned to look at the watch 3:28. He felt jittery and tried keeping himself as calm as he could.

He removed the blanket slowly and found that Joonsuh wasn't clinging to the younger the way he was before. He got up scooping his baby up in his arms. Hoping Jimin doesn't kill for taking his car without his permission.

Not starting up the car until they were a few blocks away. He made sure to strap down Joonsuh whose head was dropping down to the side in his sleep.

He looked checked his pockets to check for his important items he needs, passport, ID, birth certificate everything he had. Now all he had to do now was go and visit his mother. He at least owed it to her.

Pulling up in the drive way of his mothers house. He hurried to the door.


Jimin got up at from the couch he was occupying. Taking his time to do what he needed to do before he's off to work.

He was about to walk back downstairs when he back tracked in his steps to get a clear view of his bedroom. Funnily enough Taehyung and Joonsuh wasn't there.

Jimin wasn't sure what to think. But wherever they were must have been important. Cause Taehyung wouldn't ever wake up Joonsuh this early in the morning.

A small smile played on his lips. Although he told Taehyung to not be selfish about letting Jungkook not see Joonsuh. Something deep down Jimin was relieved he actually decided to get the sweet kid away from monster currently sleeping in his bed without the two people that Jimins come to care about. He loved Taehyung. He still does. But Taehyung having a family comprises everything.

He didn't have a revenge orchestra planned or whatever he just wants Taehyung. For Taehyung to be happy. Not miserable. He just doesn't understand why Taehyung is pretending to be okay with Jungkook when Jimin knows that deep down something is stirring within Taehyung. It wasn't going to be pretty either.

Jungkook stirred on the bed. Eyes ripping apart once he saw Joonsuh's not there. Or Taehyung for that matter.

Jimin smirked and sure enough Jungkook saw it alright. He did. Which made him step out of the bedroom directly towards him.

Jungkook pushed Jimin against the wall hard. But Jimin pushed him back. Clearly Jimin wasn't a push over. Especially not to Jungkook.

"Where are they? Where is Joonsuh? Where is Taehyung?!". Jungkook asked completely devastated.

"They left. Wouldn't tell me a damn thing of where they are going. My advice would be ; stay the hell away from Joonsuh and Taehyung. You're never getting them back. Ever".

"Jimin where the hell are they?".

"Home. Where you didn't exist in Taehyung's or Joonsuh's life. They are home. Now get the hell outtah my house. You have no reason to be here anymore". Jimin said politely as he could.

He could've sworn the dark look in Jungkooks eyes were murderous. Thinking of a thousand ways to kill Jimin right now.

"This isn't over".

"It already was. 7 years ago". The smirk turning up into a smile.

Jungkook groaned in frustration fishing for his phone in his pocket before calling Namjoon.

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