chapter 27

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🔞WARNING!!!-: failed smut!! Literally... I suck at it guys. Forgive me *runsaway*🔞


Jimin tossed and turned between the silk sheets. Furrowing his eyebrows once he felt the irritating sun- rays shine directly on his face.

He slowly opened his eyes. Starring up at the ceiling. He didn't recognise where he was.

He frowned a couple of times before sitting up straight. He latched onto his back side.

"The fuck!!?...". He hissed.

"Shit what the hell ha-". He stopped to think about what happened to his when yesterday's  events replayed in his head.

He turned to the side to see that the bed was empty. Immediately the sadness creeped in.

He didn't wake me up?

I gave in too quickly.

Jimin calm the fuck down!!!

He tried to stand up but fell back on the bed. "Shieettt!!!! Fucking asshole!!". He got up angrily grabbing his clothes that was tossed all over the floor before heading out of the penthouse.

He got a couple of stares but he was too angry to give two shits about it.

What did he think I am?

A fuck buddy?

Did he not want more than just that?

It's too late now isn't it?

Jimin stopped when he was at the parking lot infront of his car. Fumbling with the keys a few times.

Tears were now streaming down his face. His sight got blurry and the keys to the car fell to the ground. A sob escaped his lips.

That sob caught the attention of someone with two coffee's and bag full of bagels. "Jimin?". His deep raspy voice came out worried and confused.

Jimin tensed. Sniffling while wiping his teary eyes.

Quickly grabbing the keys to open the car doors to and started the engine . The moment his car roared to life, he sped off. He didn't want to see Yoongi right now.

Yoongi stood dumbfounded. Frowning it hurt and confusion. With the coffee and bagels he bought because he didn't do any grocery shopping. So he went out to buy them breakfast.


---Kim's residence ---

Taehyung was lying on his bed when he decided to get up from his bed.

Suddenly his phone started vibrating as he was walking downstairs.



"Jimin? Hey what's wrong?" Taehyungs started to panic. His best friend sounded like he cried and balled his eye out.

"Could you come over please...I screwed up".

"What do you mean screwed up?".

"Please just come over...". Jimin whimpered.

"I will see what I can do okay~".

"Please hurry".

Taehyung ended the call. With a worried expression all over his face.

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