chapter 10

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Taehyung let go of the vase in his hands. Looking up to see a flustered Jungkook and the cock sucking Hak-Kun!

Taehyungs heart dropped to his feet. He came here tried tell Jungkook that he forgave him but now... He couldn't. He couldn't move. From the spot he's been standing on in the office.


The tears streaming down his face. Why does it hurt so badly? Why does he feel betrayed?

"Oh no". Hak- Kun said looking up at Taehyung. Like a dear caught in the headlights of a truck.

Jungkook got up fixing himself before Taehyung runs away. Going over to him to have him step back with the sad look on his face.

He looked over at Hak-Kun coldly. "Get out".

Hak-Kun lowered his head. Heading out as fast as he possibly could.


"Didn't I tell you to not hurt me?". He cut Jungkook off.

Jungkook wanted to speak but got interrupted.

"Don't answer that. Cause I don't want to hear your fucking excuses. Or any of your apologies. You want to screw around. Fine! Don't expect me to be home when you get back. I'm leaving. Don't even think you're gonna get your hands my baby cause you already lost that right way to many fucking times. Fuck you. You can go to hell".

"Taehyung don't do this... ".

He slapped Jungkook this time. Daring him to hit back. Cause he's not going to hold back either.

"Stay the fuck away from me. You will not see your child grow up I will make sure of it".

" You can't do that". Jungkook warned.

Taehyung flared his nostrils. Grabbing hold of Jungkooks crotch. Squeezing it hard. Watching him keening over in pain.

"Yes, I can. And I will. Good fucking bye Jungkook".

Taehyung walked out of the office slamming the door. Glaring at Hak-Kun as he walked out to enter the elevator but he turned for the stairs instead. Practically running for his fucking life, holding onto the railing before he tripped. He gripped on tight. Luckily it was only his foot that slipped. He stopped to wipe the tears away with the sleeve of his cardigan and kept going.

He pushed through the doors of the parking lot. Nearing his car when he heard Jungkook calling for him. But he didn't look back he just walked further. He was limping due to the slip up of his foot.

Once he reached his car. He put the keys into the ignition. Switching on the car. Junkook banged against the wind screen but Taehyung ignored the hell out of him before he pulled away. Hearing the screeching sound of the tyres as he pulled away.


"Jungkook-". Hak-Kun followed him out.

"Stay the fuck away from me. This is your fault! Did you plan this huh? Did you do that on purpose?".

Hak-Kun couldn't believe his ears right now. What he's being accused of. Taehyung was a nice person. He wouldn't hurt Jungkooks husband but he would hurt Jungkook if he keeps insulting him the way he is.

"Don't blame this on me. You had the right to say no". Hak-Kun defended himself.

He watched as Jungkook gripped into his hair. Wait was he crying? Did he really care for Taehyung.


"Eomma!!!" Taehyung shouted. The distress clear in his voice that made Mrs. Kims maternal instinct begin to kick in overdrive immediately.

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