chapter 16

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Taehyung balled his hands Into fists trying to stop them from shaking.

Joonsuh was struggling to open the door but it was locked down. Only Taehyung can open it.

"Appa... ! Open...". Joonsuh was on the verge of crying . Right now for the first time. He brushed off his baby.

'Taehyung!!! Please!!!'...

"Jungkook!!! Please!!!".

Why didn't he stop? He never stopped no matter how much the older begged.

Taehyung started the car up again. Seeing Jungkooks face fall. From hopeful to facing the hard facts. Taehyung wasn't staying.

Jungkook began to panic when he watched Joonsuh struggling. And asking the older for some help but no. Taehyung ignored him. For the first time that he saw Taehyung interacting with Joonsuh. He's always been interested no matter how small the matter was.

"Taehyung... ". He blinked at the older. With a sorrow filled voice. He didn't want Taehyung to take away Joonsuh. Not after four years of getting him back. After searching for so long.

"Please leave my son and grandson be Mr. Jeon". Mr. Kim said in a warning tone. Taehyung's father still felt anger. And resentment towards the kid, for hurting his only son the way he did.

"I can't... I just can't let him take my son like that. I can't watch him take my son away from after seeing him for the first time -".

"You brought that on yourself. You chose to do those things to him. You forced his hand to do what he did. And you cant take Joonsuh from the only father he's known since he was born Jeon Jungkook. You've hurt my son on soo many more levels that I cant even decipher but you're not going to have my grandchild dragged into this mess". Mr. Kim said pushing Jungkook so that he fell to the ground.

Taehyung couldn't focus with Joonsuh's constant nagging to open up the door. With his father talking to Jungkook he couldn't think.

Why was it soo hard to make the right decision when the time was crucial. Making a decision that'll effect Joonsuh's life forever. And he can't also let Jungkook get away with what he has done to the him.

If Taehyung stays. He needs to face the facts that Jungkook will always want to be a part of Joonsuh's life. That they would always have some connection to each other.

If he leaves now. Joonsuh might not remember Jungkook. That maybe it would be a distant memory.

But he couldn't have his son hating him because he was taken away from his other father.

It was hard. It was hard. Everything that Taehyung pulled through with raising Joonsuh this far. He finally had a stable job to support his baby, to give him what he needs. He's stayed up with Joonsuh when he was teething, when he'd have a fever, his cries would keep Taehyung up late at night. And wake him up early in the mornings. The struggle of having to always put him first, the struggles of having to give him everything his heart desired. But not to the extent of being spoiled. He didn't want to raise Joonsuh in that environment with out teaching him the basic principles of respect. That maybe when he finds someone he'd use the same respect and give it to the person he will marry one day. Yes, Taehyung has thought about this alot. He couldn't stand seeing Joonsuh soo unhappy. He couldn't stand seeing him cry. He couldn't watch his kid cry knowing he could have done something to fix it.

Taehyung switched off the car again getting out. Walking over to Jungkook to clock him in the face for everything he's done to the older. Taehyung knew that violence doesn't solve anything. But can you blame him? The one good thing that Taehyung has in his life Jungkook wants to rip out of his arms. He couldn't have that. Joonsuh was his life, his joy, without Joonsuh who the hell is he?

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