chapter 22

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"Taehyung... ". Jungkooks voice soft yet raspy.

They were now laying on the bed. Taehyungs arm drapped over Jungkooks stomach. He was still crying. But it turned into cute hiccups soon after.

Jungkook shifted but grit his teeth when he felt he was in pain. His body hurts.

He turned to look at Taehyung, wiping the said boys stray strands of hair out of his eyes.

"you need to clean up. I have to go and spend time with Joonsuh-".

"Okay". He said getting up slowly.

Jungkook hissed. He got up slowly afterward lifting up his sweater to reveal discoloured bruises that turned from red blue purple some yellow even...

"OMO! I-i-".,

"I deserved it. Don't worry I'll be fine. I've handled worse. Go and clean up". Jungkook ordered in a reassuring manner.

Taehyung sighed and made his way into the bathroom to go and wash his face.


They walked back downstairs. Jungkook was practically limping and Taehyung was walking scratch free.

"I see you finally took your beating like a man- ouw!!!".

Mrs. Kim hit Mr. Kim over the head with a wooden spoon.

Joonsuh came running into Taehung. "Lets get you cleaned up too huh? Come... ". Taehyung disappeared back upstairs.


Mr. Kim inspected Jungkooks face. The red marks turned blue once the inflammation settled down... A smirk tugging on his face.

'attah boy'. He rooted mentally for team Taehyung cause finally Jungkook was looking like shit.

"The make-over suits you". Mr. Kim said making sure his wife doesn't hear.

Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck. "Mr. Kim... Im sorry for treating you like I treat my work personnel. You're Taehyungs father not a worker who works for me".

"I still want to rip your head off don't get me wrong. But I can see you are being rather honest with me. It's a start".

Jungkook nod his head. "Thank you sir".

Mr. Kim only hummed in response.

Joonsuh came running down along with Taehyung chasing after him. He was butt naked.

"Yah... Joonsuh come back here!". Taehyung screamed.

Joonsuh and his naked butt was giggling. Tiring out Taehyung who gave up and stood still.

Everyone laughed in the kitchen.

Joonsuh was hiding from him.

"Joonsuh.... Please don't let daddy try and catch you. You have to take a bath. You're making me sad". Taehyung fake sobbed.

Joonsuh's head peaked from behind the curtain.

His tiny naked self came running back to Taehyung.

"Don't cry appa...". He hugged Taehyung when he got picked up. Patting his back in order for the crying Taehyung to stop crying. It was cute...

"Gotcha!!!". Taehyung said wrapping his arms safely around his baby. Kissing his face, neck ,everywhere. Making him giggle.


After finally getting him into the bath Taehyung dried him off. Applying his Baby stuff...the necessities... Like baby lotion and his hair product that smells like vanilla.

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