Till I Die (Twd/Carl Grimes)

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It's hard you know? Living alone. It's only been three days but I think I need the living, speaking people to give me hope. The reason I said living was not because I'm a loner, it's because the dead have risen. Came back as...as... Flesh eating freaks. I fled from my home town just before it was bombed by the government. It was hard, you know, Fleeing. I just barely made it out. Before I left though I grabbed the backpack and duffle bag my uncle had ready. He was a zombie freak! Had had all the movies, video games, t-shirts, everything! He had a feeling this would one day happen. How did it? I really don't know.

The pack had enough to last me to Atlanta. A blanket, two large plastic water bottles, some granola bars, and a hoodie. It was a tight fit but there was still enough room for me to add 'other needs'. The duffel bag had the weapons: A Winchester magnum hand pistol, hunting knifes, and my bow and arrows, I really wanted a crossbow but my uncle said 'girls are to weak for things like this' I know dumb right? He's just full of himself, I had my grandpas swiss army knife tied to a shoelace and placed it around my neck, under my shirt, along with my mothers ring with mine and my sisters name carved into it on a silver chain around my neck.

I'm scared. Alone. And don't even know if one going in the right direction. I've only slept a few hours through out these three days. Once in a car, once in a tree, but when I fell asleep in the tall pine tree it was because a horde of the freaks were crossing through the forest by me and I had to hide before they saw me, and I guess I found it good enough to sleep in.

As I got closer to Atlanta ash covered the ground. No! I ran to the front of the city to see it was just a building. I walked over to the what was left flamed and covered in ash a sign said: THE CDC. CDC? That's where the cure should be! But it's gone! Gone, gone, gone!

A shrieking groan led me out of my thoughts. This explosion happened recently. I can tell by the ash still falling and all the freaks heading towards me. I refuse to call them zombies because I think this is just to hard to believe. Oh no. Looks like its a whole city is coming towards me. Maybe the didn't see me... I began running through the streets avoiding hoards and just then an RV came and almost ran me over. 

"Shit!" I ran faster, if that was even posable, and it just missed me. The RV skid to a stop and an Asian man peeked his head out the door.

"Hurry up! Walkers are everywhere!" He screamed. Should I? Well it's that or die by 'Walkers' I guess they call them. I grabbed his hand he reached out and helped me step in.

"Wh-what happened here?!" I stuttered.

"The CDC blew up, and government failed. There's no cure." Said a blonde women with a tear stained face.

I sighed. I should of known this can't be cured. Hell broke loose.

"Well... I'm Josefine Jackson" I said, trying to ease the tension.

"I'm Glenn, the drivers Dale, Blondes Andrea, There's T-dog" Glenn said pointing to everyone.

I just nodded. A screech of a Walkie talkie went off. "Why'd you stop? What happened?" Said a man. "Nothing Shane, picked up a kid, about ..." "I'm Twelve" I answered. "Twelve..." Glenn continued.

"You can't just pick up people! Next stop we talk about this!" Shane shouted. Oh no! There going to leave me to die!


I know it's short but it's an intro.

Vote! Comment! Or just read it please! Lol

edited by @Ashleymarieherondale

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