Chapter 15: Gone.

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I woke up and the sun was shining through the tent ever so brightly in my eyes. I looked over to Carl and smiled before realizing what today held. I sighed and took a deep breath to keep the tears in. I retched under my pillow to grab the note before grabbing my bag and throwing on my grey sweat shirt style hoodie and sliding on my combat boots. The air was cool and fresh and you could easily tell winter is on it's way. It must be about... November. It will be snowing in the next few weeks. I looked up at the sun, judging by where it is it's only about seven forty.
"Hey Max" Maggie smiled has she walked over to me. "Hey Maggie. When we going on the run?" I asked. "I was just coming to wake you. In ten." I nodded and climbed up on Daryl's truck to sit by him since he's on watch.
"Still leaving today?" He whispered. "Yeah" I sighed. "Ye' don't have to" "yeah I do. The abuse is only half of it! There's gangs. Big armed gangs who all want me dead! I'm not a good girl" I shouted/whispered. Daryl chuckled. "Oh I know ye,ain't a good girl like Soph. Ye' skinned that squirrel like it was nothing! Took down walkers on ye' own. Ain't afraid of blood! 'Member when Beth tried to kill her self and cut her self? You came rushing in the RV and kept her calm and helped her till Hershel came and stitched it up! Or when we all got that one shot wound you where there!" I laughed with him a realized Id miss this.

Daryl's POV

It felt weird laughing, I'm
So serious and focused and I guess a bit stubborn and never get to have fun like this. She can't leave, she's like family to me in a way. She wasn't there to go through what me and my brother, Merle, went through with my alcoholic abusive father but yet she was. She went through what we did and hers also came with rape. She gone through worse.

I shifted her hair out of her face and ran my thumb over her scar out of many on her forehead.
"Does Carl know about that?" I asked. She shook her head. "Only you. I trust you to understand. He... I don't know how he will take it"
"Him or you?"
"It's hard to say aloud" she choked. I gave her an awkward hug to try and show I'm here. She's like... Uh.. A kid to me. Not like a kid like Carl and Sophia. Like... A daughter. I understand her like she does me.
I slid of my wing vest and have it to her, she smiled and pulled it tightly around her and hugged me.

Maxie's POV

After the conversation with Daryl Glenn came to get me and we loaded the car up.
It was a long awkward drive with Glenn and Maggie talking about couple stuff and whatever so I grabbed my iPod which I could charge in the car well it's running and put in my headphones and listened to what ever played.
500 miles (I'm gonna be)
Same love
Good girl
Truth or dare
Loved you then
And a few other songs I didn't know played and we finally arrived to the small town. I took a deep breath and help firmly onto the now sweaty goodbye note. I opened the car door and pulled my bag out and set the note on the seat and bit my lip to stop the crying which only made me whimper. I wiped my eyes and held my bag close to me. I whispered goodbye even though nothing was there. I walked over to Glenn and Maggie.
"Ready?" I ask. The both nodded and Glenn told us the plan. Since I was fastest, yes that's right, I'm faster then Glenn haha, I would be on my own keeping watch of the door and if anything happened I would run in the pharmacy and warn them.
I stayed by the door well they went in. I raise my crossbow up and stayed guard. Well it was clear I wandered off into the woods.

Glenn's POV
After about and hour and a half of getting supplies I walked out and stopped in my tracks causing Maggie to bump into my back.
"What?" She asked, worry in her voice. I raised my shaky hand and pointed to the three walkers crowding around a dead, something, and it worried me. Maxie was standing there. "M-maxie?" Maggie stuttered,fearing the worse. I stabbed the walkers down with anger and got closer to the victim, It was now nothing but guts and blood spread on the street, I poked it with my knife and noticed the beaded bracket saying 'Max'. I stood there has anger raised in me. "What Glenn?" "It.. It's Maxie's" I managed to say. I ripped the bracket out of the bloody mess and wiped it on my jeans and shoved it in my pocket.

We drove back to camp and Maggie was holding tightly on my hand has we both cried for the lost one. I still can't under stand how Maxie could of been taken down. She's to good.

Daryl's POV

Glenn drove back into camp and I felt sick. "We lost Maxie" Glenn choked and everyone gasped. I on the other hand knew it was a lie. I know Maxie to well to think she'd be dead. Maxie is a Dixon with or without relation.

I walked over to the car and dug around for any clue of where she'd be, what caught my eye was a small paper sitting in the back seat.

'Hey everyone. I'm sorry. I... Had to go. People both good and bad are out for me and I can't risk your lives. Daryl don't bother tracking me, I'm has good has gone, I love you so much, your like a dad to me. Carol, You know I love you, your like a mom to me. you have me a bandaid when i skin my knee, you constantly tell me to brush my hair and you act like a mother. You accepted me into the group Before you even knew my name. Sophia, I'm sorry, I have to go, you know me well but not well enough. We go through a lot together from fear to love freedom to sacrifice. Your my best and only friend. I love you : ) and will see you someday. Rick I know we don't get along but you let me stay in the group even though it meant loosing your best friend, thank you, take care of the group ok? Lori, we don't like each other I get that but Shane was a nut case, this world got to him, take care of Carl. T-dog we had some laughs in the two months ive been with the group. Having competitions to see who could kill the most walkers. I'm going to miss you. Glenn, your awesome you know that? Jumping roofs, running from large hoards and going on runs was always a favourite thing for me. Love ya. Maggie, Beth, you two are like sister! You always had my back and had great advice to give. I'm going to miss you two, love you. Hershel, I loved being your assistant for doctoring whatever : P I'm going to miss you. Hopeful what you taught me comes in handy. Everyone else, your all awesome, even if you didn't like or know me well you always were people of admire. Your strength, wisdom, etc. see you soon.
And last but not least, Carl I love you so, so much! but I can't risk loosing you most. Your my first love, and I'm going to miss your morning hugs, goodnight kisses. Everything. Beat this world ok? I'll see you soon.

~ Maxie < 3 '

I teared up a bit and wiped it away, how did I let her go? I passed the note around and everyone gasped and cried. Carol ran up to me and hugged me, same with Sophia. She's my family, same with theirs.
I gave them and awkward hug and looked over to Carl. Who was slumped to the ground holding the note. "Did she plan to die?" He whimpered.

Carls POV

"No. She faked it Carl, I can tell. It's bird guts" Daryl said well examining her bracket. I stood up and walked over to my mom and dad. My mom opened her arms to hug me but I slapped them away. "Carl!" My dad yelled. "This is your damn fault! You let her leave! Influenced her to!" I screamed. "What your mouth" my mom snapped. "F. U. C. K. Y. O. U." I spelt. My mom gasped and slapped my cheek. "I'm going to get her" I spat at her. I could tell they were both really mad with my words but my dad calmed. "Carl I get your upset. But this is for the best. Shane should of killed her that night at the farm when he shot her" I gasped, how could he say that?!
"I hate you both!" I screamed and ran to the car. The keys were already in here so I could lock the door and they can't get in. I laid in there for hours thinking of a plan.

Kinda sad hey? I felt sad writing it. Well chapter 15!

Till I Die (TWD/Carl Grimes)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें