Chapter 49: Left Behind

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"Dad and I are staying in this house. We should get going before it gets to late" Carl said, retching for my hand which I pulled away. "Meet you there. I need to go get Archer first" I said calmly but avoided eye contact. "I'll come w-" Carl started but I interrupted him "meet you there" I repeated before I walked quickly away, growling in frustration because I could feel him staring at me. Turning the corner I saw Archer "what was it?" He asked quickly "nothing" I said bitterly "towns a waste, let's go" "but I thought-" "ye' thought wrong. Let's go" I snapped, walking back down the muddy road at which we came from 'his going to leave me behind. I'ma leave him' was my only thought, anger and saddens taking over my brain.

I hissed in annoyance when the setting sun glared in my eyes. "Need a camp for the night" Archer said just above a whisper. I nodded slightly, glancing at him. I could tell by the way he was looking back that he knew something was up. Maybe he knew I was lying too. I glanced forward again and almost ran into a sign. "What the fuck!" I growled as I stumbled back, almost falling but Archer grabbed my arm "sanctuary" he mumbled "lets go" "no!" I snapped. "We keep following the road until we find Daryl or someone else from the group" "I thought Carl would be your main concern. "Carl... He's fine" I muttered and walked around the sign. "Maxie. This could be safe-" "it Could be. Could not be. Not worth the risk" I said through clenched teeth "look. A house" I pointed bitterly at a large house in the woods by a grave yard. "We stay there"

Archer was looking at the grave stones while I avoided traps and alarms, making it to the door. "Archer, get over here!" I said in a harsh whisper "yes ma'am" he mumbled and jogged over carefully. I twisted the handle and raised my bow, expecting walkers. Pushing the door open I took one step in and was shoved harshly against the wall "Daryl! Got 'em!" A feminine voice chirped. Wait Daryl. "Get off me ye' bitch!" I growled, shifting my body in her grip. "Stop moving!" She snapped, putting a knife to my neck. I turned my head to see Archer, hiding around the corner, hand on his gun. I shook my head slowly, the knife drawing some blood. I could hear heavy foots steps and a piano while someone jogged over. I didn't know what was going on, I just heard mumbled until I was yanked back from the wall to the ground, crossbow in my face. "Get that damn thing out of my face Daryl!" I growled. He chuckled and lent out a hand which I took. "All clear Archer!" I called and he walked in quietly. I side glance Edith who was glaring at me. Hugging Daryl quickly, him hugging back the way Daryl does, I asked about the girl with bright red hair and green eyes. "My niece. Edith James" Daryl said simply with a shrug. "And this is?" Edith questioned, her hand resting visibly an a gun. I chuckled, was it suppose to scare me? "Maxie Woods" I answered.

After a few introductions the piano playing stopped and Beth came, greeting me with a hug. "Got pigs feet, soda-" Beth started "Peanut Butter!" I shouted, grabbing a spoon and jar along with a bottle of Cola and walking out of the kitchen. I sat by the piano, a song my mother would play was tuned in my head. As I was humming Edith stood in the door way "Why are you here?" she asked. "This is my family" I shrugged, eating a spoon full of peanut butter. "How so?" she questioned. "Why do you need to know?" I growled. Edith glared "Because I've known this group for a while back at the camp outside of Atlanta. Never saw you before" "Met them shortly after by the ashes of the CDC. Almost hit me with the RV" she chuckled, trying to soften the looks Edith was giving her. Edith didn't care as she scoffed and walked away, pumping into Archer as he walked in, sitting next to me but facing the piano, lifting up the lid. "What are you doing?" I mumbled. Archer didn't answer as he stared playing All Of Me by John Legend, singing slightly. I smiled, I loved the way he didn't let the world get to him that much and how he wasn't afraid to be himself. I sang softly, playing the extra keys.

Edith POV

- before -

Moonshine. The small home smelt nothing but it, it makes me sick. It's been almost three years since I was with the group. With my uncles. With Carl. I sighed, playing with my gold medal from gymnastics. Sitting up from where I laid on the couch I ran a hand through my bright red hair. After the camp outside of the city was overrun, I didn't make it to Daryl or Merle fast enough, getting left behind. I looked at my hunting knife that sat on the coffee table by my pistol. I Was thinking of the same thing I do everyday. Thinking of giving up. I've lost everything. My family. Friends. What I had left of hope. I groaned in frustration, picking up the gun I loaded it. I set it down and continued to look at it. This gun was used my parents. Was used to kill my baby brother. Maybe be my death to.

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