Chapter 31: Shouldn't Hit a Girl.

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I held tightly on to Daryl's crossbow has I ran along the tracks. I let out a harsh breath has I began to grow tired. I released a breath and watched it fog in front of me. The temperature is dropping quickly. I stopped for a moment and looked around. The tracks stopped in front of some old run down house.

I closed my lips in a tight line before give a soft nod to my self and walking in, crossbow raised.

I felt instant fear creep in to me has I heard faint shuffling feet. 'Keep calm Maxie.. keep calm' I repeated in my head. 'Get the food... kill the asshole. Simple has that'

I get a light squeal has I turned around to see just that a can was knocked over. I picked it up and read the no named brand label 'beans'. Stupid beans....
I stuffed the can in my hoodie pocket before turning on my heals and freezing.
"Hey baldy" I grinned, after I pushed the fear away.
"Get out before you get hurt"
"Nope. "I shrugged. Just then he ran at and punched my right on my check bone, causing me to drop the crossbow and fall. I reached up and held my cheek.
"That's going to bruise" I said angrily at him before getting up and running at him with my dagger held high. I let out a small battle cry has I ran at the average heighten man. I jump high up aiming for his head, he dodged it causing me to only hit his shoulder. He cried in pain before slapping my face, causing my lip to be cut open slightly.
"ow" I said under my breath.

I wobbled around till I got my head straight and looked at the man, who was now running to me. I dodged his attack and ran to Daryl's crossbow.

"Shouldn't hit a girl.." Picking it up, I took careful aim has I shot him right in the eye.
"That's for my dad" I spat, literally, I spat on him before looking around and finding the cardboard box full of food.
"Corn... peaches... apple sauce.. Juice crystals.. trail mix... ice tea! yes! Oh and of course beans.." I gathered everything I could and looked around this small home.
I walked into what looked to be a living room and saw a closet. I walked over to it and set the food on the chair that was there and opened the rusty hinged door. I let out a few coughs has I looked around in the dark closet. Then I remembered, Daryl has a flashlight taped onto his crossbow. I walked back over to the kitchen and picked up the crossbow. I walked back to the closet, shown the flashlight and a smile grew on my face.

I made it back to the parking lot of the store we were searching in and looked around, my body tensed when I spotted the blood from Daryl on the cemented ground. I shifted the box in my arms has I looked up just to see over it. Man the group will love this! I spotted Daryl's blue truck and shifted the box once again to my left hip well I fished in my pocket for the keys. Daryl will kill me. I thought. I left out a sigh when I realized where the sun was at, its about 6:30 right now, the snow fell lightly on my hair has I sighed again. I sneeze has the snow tickled my nose. I took a deep breath has I walked over to Daryl's truck. Ok Maxie.... if you don't die on the way there, Daryl will kill you if you scratch the truck... I opened the truck door and placed the box on the passenger seat has I climbed in myself. Closing the truck door, I put the seat belt on and started the up the vehicle, gripping the steering wheel tightly, I thought back to when I lived on the farm with my grandpa and how he taught me how to drive his truck. Daryl's truck was a was a newer generation but I still recognized the controls. I pressed on the gas has I speed out cautiously.

I pulled up to the prison gates and of course, the first person I see is Carl.

Carls POV

I watch has Daryl's truck pulled up to the gates and I had to think for a moment, Daryl's here. I ran through the field has snow made its way into my once white, now worn sneakers, making my whole body shiver. Although I was wondering who was here I was still worried out of my mind since Maxie didn't show up yet, why the hell would Glenn and Maggie leave her behind? Why would Autumn leave her? I get Lulu would though.

Has I approached the gates I saw a small chestnut coloured head peeking over the dash board. Oh my... I opened the gate and the driver slowly drove in. I could hear the blasted music and recognized the artist 'My Chemical Romance' since I knew it was her favorite. I need to get Maxie to forgive me... I guess I could ask Beth what she's into, only since the incident with Sophia I cant ask her with out thinking she'd try and kiss me again. Man am I the only dude on earth??? What's with all these girls?!

The music stopped playing and the engine was cut off. Maxie opened the truck door and I she was reaching over the seat for a box stacked with supplies.

"Whoa! Max where'd you get this stuff?" I cheered, forgetting for a moment what happened between us. She seemed shocked with how I cheered and she gave a slight smile. "I uh.. found a house" Now that I really looked at her face since she was done looking at the box, my mouth dropped, her face....

"what the hell?" I said, my voiced cracked. Even the slightest smile she once possessed was now pulled into and even tighter straight face. "Nothing" she said ever so incidentally. "Tell that to the nasty bruise and bleeding lip" I pointed out. "Maxie! your ok!" Carol shouted from the front doors of the prison, pulling her light over coat tighter around her, Carol rushed out to Max and embraced her in a tight hug. "Your safe! I'm so glad- oh my what happened!" Carol shrieked has she ran her palm over Maxie's swollen cheek.

"Nothing.. look what I got!"Maxie pushed what happened aside like she did with me and distracted her with the goods she collected. I looked at Carol just in time to see the pain in her eyes change to happier look. "Now baby girl where did you find these"
"Some old house" Maxie smiled brightly, licking her lips has if they were chapped, but really it was just from the pain of the fresh cut. "I'd like to see Daryl now please"

Maxie closed the truck door has all three of us walked to prison. I offered to carry the box but Maxie declined. "No... I got it" she said has she shifted the box in her arms. I let out a sigh of frustration since she wouldn't let me help her carry one silly box.

Max set the box on the table has my dads face lite up. "Max how did you-" my dad turned to look at Maxie only to see she was already racing up the stairs to see Daryl. I watched has Maxie sat on the top of the stairs next to Daryl's bed, Daryl refused to sleep in a cell.

Now that I had the chance I looked closely to the pile of materials on the top of the box. What I thought were down type of fancy blankets are really winter coats. Well we all cheered and hollered, Max was sitting at the top of the stairs, sobbing. My heart shattered.

third persons POV

Maxie sat at the end of Daryl's bed well he breathed in harsh breaths. "He's fine Max. Just needs rest" Hershel said has he stood up on crutches and hobbled over to Max to kiss her forehead. "And thank you. Glenn said you saved my life" he said has he looked down to where his two legs should be, he let out a sigh has if hoping to see two, but only finding one. Max just nodded has she kept her eyes focused on Daryl. Once Hershel was out of earshot, Maxie started to break down. "Daryl... I'm sorry... I should have covered you! I don't... I can't loose you. I need you here to.. teach me how to shoot the crossbow perfect, to hunt and skin animals, to keep me sane with your smartass jokes and comments. And Carol needs you, Sophia, the group. Daryl your our family! we all need you! we all love you!" Maxie sobbed lightly. Down the stairs Maxie could hear the laughter and celebration of the new supplies collected.

"The man who was with the other guy that shot you... I followed his tracks to some old house, he hit me.. but don't worry! I fought back! I killed-" it wasn't till now that she finally realized she killed another person. "I killed him... bu-but I got the jackets we needed! just about enough for everyone. we'll need to share so though on watch in the guard towers get them first, those on runs" she smiled lightly.

"Wake up soon ok?" she whispered. "I'll check on you later... I'm going to get some sleep myself" Maxie sniffled a bit has she walked over to where Daryl's head was and gave him a hug, fully aware of his wound.

Till I Die (TWD/Carl Grimes)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें