Chapter twelve: Die his way

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I was in the barn once again and I was getting used to it. Hours went by and no one came in I started to think maybe they left me.

Just then Shane walked in with a shot gun and a pistol in his hand and his side holster. "Get up" He snapped. I crawled off the ground and wobbled to my feet and he cut my hands loose. "Lets go" He said pushing me to the entry. I tripped over my feet has he pulled me around to the back of the barn like he was avoiding people. "Your going to kill me your self! You aren't going to tell anyone! What happens when they see me gone hey?" "I got that covered" He snapped.

"You dumbass!" I shouted and he got me in the back of the head with his gun.

I woke feeling light headed from blood loss from the back top of my neck. "You aren't going to kill me. Would of done it by now" I choked. "Your just a way to get Rick out here. Plus they'd hear a gun shot. I was the ruler of this group. I was better for Lori. Id make a better dad to Carl" He yelled. "Oh yeah cause nothing says 'Im better' then killing is dad and friend" I yelled back. He punched me in the gut in the same spot Merle did and I could feel the bruise growing bigger and darker. Id be lucky if no ribs were broken. "Walker kill doesn't mean its  me." He smirked. He retched for my neck but I grabbed his pistol and ran. He loaded his shot gun and clipped my shoulder. With how close I was the wound was greater and the sound ringed in my ears. "Oh god" I whispered, biting my lip to stop from screaming. I need to get back to the group, tell them about Shane.

Carls POV

I snuck into the barn and tensed at all the blood spit and splattered on the ground from Maxie's beating Shane gave her. I could still hear the sounds of her screams echoing in my ears. I walked over to the corner where she usually sat and she was gone. I held my hands on my forehead and spun around. "Maxie!" I screamed. I retched down for the black string covered in hay and pulled it up to examine it, it was a black shoelace... I walked back to where she was beaten and grabbed the rope that her hands were tied with, It'd been cut. I knew she didn't do it, she'd be at to hard of an angle. I walked closer to the entrance and it wasn't locked and there it was, the red and black swift army knife. I tried putting the pieces together  and finally got it. She's going to be killed today. Just then a gun shot filled the air. "No!" I screamed has I ran out of the barn and to the other one where she was going to get shot in yesterday. No one was here. I ran out has everyone gathered together outside.

"Maxie's gone!" I cried. "So is Shane" said my dad. I knew this couldn't be good. Those to gone doesn't sit right, especially since Shane despises Maxie. Just then Shane came from the woods with a busted up face and said how she was armed with is gun but wounded. My heart sank at the fact that she could bleed out. My dad called Glenn, Daryl, Shane to go with him to find her. "Shoot at once" He said before they all stormed into the trees. I couldn't just stand here!

Maxie's POV

I started feeling even worse after an half hour of walking and blood loss, I didn't know how far the farm was and I didn't know if I was going in the right direction. Where's Shane? I started getting scared that a walker or him could just pop out of anywhere. I had a gun but that would make to much noise, and plus after the shot Shane sent after me im sure there's a lot out here.

The sunn was long gone and I finally found the field to the farm. "Im better for Lori, for Carl! But you had to come back and take that away!" Shane screamed, I looked around and saw him holding his gun to Rick. "You told my wife and son I was dead! Screwed her and now she pregnant and not sure who's it is1 And you want to kill Carls friend who Im sure hes in love with!" Rick yelled back. "Rick that'd be a favor, Killing her, you read that paper! Shes a threat!" Shane yelled, raising is gun and getting ready to pull the trigger. "Hey Shane!" I yelled and they both look at me. "The paper forgot one thing. Shot A man" I spat before shooting him in the stomach. Rick didn't do any thing but yelled at Shane, blaming him for making this happen. "Dad! Maxie!" Carl yelled. I walked over to Shane's body and spat on it. Carl looked at the gun in my hand and then to Shane. I started walking over to him before he raised his gun. "Carl?" I whispered. He held the gun firmly in his hands well his dad walked over beside me. "Carl don't do this" Rick said, just then he pulled the trigger and I closed my eyes. I felt no pain and looked down to see no gun shot wound other then the one from Shane in the shoulder. I turned around to see Shane body inches behind me with a gun shot in his head. He wasn't even bit or scratched yet he became a walker?

Carl ran up to me and hugged me, avoiding my wound the best he could. Just then the air was filled with the familiar smell and moans of walkers. I turned around to see thousands of walkers coming up behind us,

"Run!" I yelled has they came closer.


Chapter 12!!!!!!!!!!!! I never liked Shane and thought it was funny the last thing Maxie said to him "The paper forgot shot a man"


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