Chapter 28: Lulu

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"Names Lulu..." She looked to Carl.
"Short for Luck..y" she said slowly, eying him up. I stood in front of him slightly. She looked at me with hatred. I am jealous of her, she's so goddess like compared to me. She has beautiful blond perfect ringlets, well I have chestnut wavy hair since my 'perfect' locks have tangled into a mess from the lack of being clean. She has perfect ocean blue eyes well I have a light pastel like emerald green. She has sun kissed, perfect skin well mines vampire almost like, pale and is covered in scars.
I think she noticed me looking at her odd because she started laughing, she walked up to us, well she total ignored me and walked up at Carl.
"See you around" she smiled. And I glared after her.

~ one hour later ~

Jakes dead, we burned him to ashes like we do with walkers, and yes, I was in deep trouble enough to drown in.

"She's seems okay" Sophia said has she sat across from me on Beth's bed.
"And she's beyond beautiful and can easily get what she wants. Like Carl" I grumbled.
"Don't get all jealous" Beth said has she french braided my hair.
"How can I not be? I see the way she looks at Carl" I sighed.
"Hey, I can take it from here" Autumn smiled has she showed up at the door.
"See you later" I smiled at Beth and Sophia has I held my sisters hand.
"How have you been? How are you?" She asked.
"I killed two men in the last year. I feel fine" I gave a low chuckle.
"What?" She yelled.
"Long-ish story that I will never bring up" we walked into her and Lulu's cell and sat on her bed well she finished braiding my hair since Beth didn't get the chance.
"Why'd you kill him"
"I said I ain't sayin'" I growled.
"Maxie Jose Fin Woods. I asked you a question" she raised her voice which in side it made me want to laugh.
I hopped off the bed and turned my back to her and pulled up the back of my shirt, turned and hiked up my selves and then I pulled my hair back to show several scars on my forehead. I looked up from the ground and into her tear filled eyes
"He beat you?" She sniffled.
"Trust me, that was nothing"

- later that day -

Avoiding things you don't want to bring up gets hard after a while. I mean the past is something no one wants to forget, except me. I like this world! Police not after me, not getting in trouble for shop lifting, not having to worry about money.
"Max?" Lulu asked has she showed up at my cell door.
"It's Maxie. And yeah?" I said, already slightly annoyed by her 'duh' voice. To me she sounds like those popular girls from movies that are always like: 'I can get I what when I want because I'm better than you! Yeah!' You know, that high pitched voice, even though hers ain't high pitched, it just seems like it.
"So who's this Carl guy? He single?" She smiled, showing off her pearly white teeth. Now I'm really annoyed.
"No he's not single. We're together. Has in me and him." I said through gritted teeth.
"Yeah. Ok" she said with an evil like grin.
"See ya around. Max. " she smirked and walked out.
"Maxie" I grumbled after her,been though she can't hear me.
Geez, I better keep an eye on her. And Carl.


- Really - short chapter. Sorry. I'll make the next one longer!



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