Chapter 18: Take me away

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I had to stitch this up before I bleed out more and more every hour. Daryl hasn't been able to sneak out of the prison, probably because it's freezing out and he only wears sleeveless shirts. The blood on my hoodie was hard and frozen and me myself was soon to get frost bite. I couldn't wait for Daryl to come, I've already been bleeding out for twenty four hours.

I left my duffle bag at camp and slowly pulled on my backpack. I began to slowly climb down using my good arm but slipped on the frozen branches and fell, hitting my head over a thousand times.

I laid on the ground and just stared dazed at the sky has the light snow hit my face. My version blurred and I could barely see a man coming towards me. "Carl? Daryl?" I mumbled. "Naw. Just me sweet thing" I heard a southern accent I only known to be... Merle.

"Load her up! We're heading back to Wood...." That's all I heard before I blacked out. Wood what?

Daryl's POV

It's been what? Two days since I checked on the girl. I don't want Maxie to have to go on her own and risk her life for supplies but I'm sure she left already to get food.
"Rick! I'll be right back!" I yelled. I hated Rick being the boss, always needing to know what I'm up to.
"Wher-" he started before I slammed the prison door shut. I opened and passed through the gates and Carl ran after me. "Carl get inside. It's freezing out here" I said well fixing my own jacket around me. My leather jacked had wings just like the vest I gave Max. "I know your looking for her. I'm coming" Carl protested. I nodded and he smiled, pulling out his gun with the silencer and holding it steady, using tips Maxie taught him, making me smirk a bit. Wait, I'm going to have to tell Carl about Maxie camping out.

I walked closer to the camp and Carl gasped at the blood and Maxie's bag on the ground. "You knew she was here?" Carl whispered. I just nodded and pointed higher in the tree where her camp was. "She helped me find the prison" I mumbled. I looked at the blood on the ground and the body shape in the snow. "Fell out of the tree, looks like her stitches ripped and smashed her head open." "She was taken" Carl gasped, looking at the other tracks. I fell to me knees, dazed that that happened. "This is my fault" I whispered. "I'm suppose to keep her safe! Do you really think I'd let her leave? Huh?" I yelled. "Daryl calm down!" Carl snapped. "We're going to get her." He finished, I nodded. "First we tell my dad" Carl said. I snapped my head up at him and crawled off the ground. "I promised her Id keep it a secret" I said, meaning about her camp out, outside the prison.
"To bad" Carl said before walking back to the prison. He's right, it's safer if they know.

I walked in the prison and all eyes were on me. I looked at Carl "got something to tell them?" He said. I sighed "Maxie's here. She's got a camp. She was taken, we have to get here" I summed up. "And she's wounded, bad" Carl added. "My little girl is still here?" Carol smiled, gesturing Maxie has her own. I nodded and Carol ran to me, wrapping her arms tightly around me and I kissed her forehead. Me, Carol, Sophia, and Maxie, are a family now.
"We have to get her!" Sophia spoke, making us all nod but Rick and Lori. "She left. She ain't our group anymore." Rick said, Lori nodded. "Hey Lori. Maybe if you stopped screwing the sheriff and deputy you would care more about a little girl being lost!" I spat. She gasped and Rick came at, hitting me right in the jaw, I stumbled back and quickly through my self at him, hitting him in the gut.
"Those who are coming?" Carl, Sophia, Carol, Glenn, Beth, Maggie and T-Dog but their hands up.

"Lets go" I said before storming outside. "Lets save our little rebel" Carol smiled, holding my hand. Sure, ok. I smiled back at her and we ran to the truck with everyone else close behind.

Aw! Family! Daryl, Carol, Sophia, and Maxie are a family!


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