Chapter 47: Wait - Part Two

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We're not the same people we were when this all started. The infection. The wars. Now.

We may never be the old us again.

Wait - Part Two

"No!" Rick screamed as he pulled his pistol out, aiming it at the governor. "Now, now Rick. Lets try this again" Phillip smirked. I felt something cool tap my hand so I looked down to see that Carl was passing me a riffle, I gave a small nod and took the gun firmly in my hand. "Stay by my side" he whispered before giving Beth, who was standing next to me, a gun and Daryl gave Maggie one. "I don't know" I whispered back. I knew it wasn't the answer he wanted, but it was the right one. Even though I wanted nothing more then to be by his side, we had jobs to do. Protect and defend the prison. My palms were sweaty and my legs shaky, I was way over nervous and scared for what was about to go down. I raised the riffle and aimed for Phillip, who noticed my presents. I observed the area quickly, noticing no Andrea and no Lulu. I didn't say anything to him but aimed the riffle. By the time I was ready to shoot, I caught a glimpse of Hershel open his eyes slightly. A smile grew on my face as he nodded to me a little, telling me he was okay, I only nodded back. "If your not going to give us the prison willingly, Rick. Then I guess I'll just take it" Phillip snapped, his grin now sick and crooked. "If your not going to agree in peace, then no one gets the prison" Rick shouted, finally releasing the bullet his pistol held captive. The bullet hit the window next to Phillips head and that's when hell broke loss. "Shoot them down!" Phillip yelled as the tank rolled forward, taking down the fence with it. We all dashed away, shooting has we ran. I ran faster then I thought possible, making it almost to the prison, but being shoved by a lady with a large shotgun in her hands. I fall with a hard thud and my shoulder hit the cement hard. I gasped in pain before Carl grabbed my waist and pulled me up, pushing me behind him and shooting the lady down. "Are you okay?" He yelled over the gun fire. "Okay enough to still fight" I shouted back, which was kind of a lie, I was half positive I couldn't raise my arm high enough to aim the gun without shrieking in pain. I felt stupid for not watching where I was running, but I re-loaded the gun and sighed. I kept my back to Carl's, shooting down the approaching enemy. As Carl continued shooting, I looked through the scope of my gun, aiming for the gov. About to pull the trigger, I saw a blonde lady with a child in her arms. Andrea? Lulu? I held the gun steady enough to see that was exactly who I thought it was. Lulu, bloody and I'm positive, dead. Phillip didn't think twice before sighing and putting a bullet in her head, dropping the lifeless body to the ground. Andrea shouted at Phillip, screaming.

"Maxie! C'mon" Carl shouted, leading me to the prison.

Andrea's POV

"I can't believe you just did that. I can't believe your doing this!" I shouted, gesturing around us. "You wanted to keep us safe. That's what this was all for right?" "Not anymore" Phillip replied in a rough voice. Brushing his bloody hands on his pants, he walked over to where a man was trying to get away. But it wasn't any man, I remembered him. "Hershel! Phillip no!" I screamed as I dove over to where Phillip had his gun raise. "Move girl" he snapped at me. "hes my friend" I pleaded. With a sick and stomach twisting grin, he raised the gun, a bullet flew and... all I saw was black. I... believe I'm dead.

Maxie's POV

Out of breath, we finally made it into the prison where everyone was rushing to escape from. Once Carl and I split up, I was running down the endless hall, when I finally made it to the library where Finley sat with AnnaBeth, huddled in the corner with the other children I felt slightly better to know that my best friend and Finn where okay. "C'mon" I shouted, rushing them as I re-loaded the gun, passing my pistol to AnnaBeth. "Get the kids on the bus" I ordered. "Where's Lucas?" She asked worried. "Hopefully on the bus. Either that or fighting with the rest" I said quickly. "I need to find him!" she shouted. "No. I will. You get the kids on the bus" I said lastly before rushing out. I watched as AnnaBeth led the kids in the opposite direction I was running in. With my eyes fixed on them, I didn't realize the walker in the tombs that I ran straight into. I screamed slightly as I fell back with the walker on top on me. Holding the walker back by the throat, I pulled my pocket knife from my jacket pocket, driving the blade into the worthless monsters head. Kicking the walker off me, I finally made it to the armory where stuffed bullets into my pockets and a pistol in the side of my pants, bullets for that to. Another sound from the tank boomed overhead and the prison walls shook, forcing me to my knees, where I stayed still till the shaking prison froze. I felt nervous and slightly claustrophobic as I stumbled through the tombs, making it outside through the back where the wall has been shot down. Taking large steps over the cement blocks, I made it to another section of the prison, from here I caught my breath and examined my surroundings, eyes landing on Rick who was being beaten by Phillip. I made a mad dash over towards him, tackling him off of Rick, putting all I my force into it. Rick gasped for aim and rolled over on his side, spitting out some blood. I was sitting on Phillips back, feet holding down his wrist, trying my best I was able to pull out my pocket knife that for some reason I keep putting away, and jabbed the small blade deep in his back. Phillip screamed in pain and jumped to him feet, knocking me off his back and to the ground while he tried to retch the knife. Now Rick was on his feet and stumbled to Phillip, pushing him hard on his back, pushing the blade farther. Phillip screamed as he rolled to his stomach. We just watched as he struggled to get up. Once to his feet, he advanced towards us, his eyes almost bloodshot and back arched, trying to stop the pain in his back, where a small pocket knife could no longer be seen. The closer we got, the greater the smirk danced on my lips. "You lose" I smile up at him as Michonne stabs him in the stomach. I watch as his body falls to the ground before we all walk away together, back to our loved ones.

When we make it back, the bus is gone and Carl comes running towards us, AnnaBeth and Lucas behind him, my happiness being cut short "you idiot!" I shout to AnnaBeth, catching everyone by surprise, even she was taken back. "Why ain't you on the bus with Finn?" I shouted. "I needed to get Lucas!" she yelled to me. I walked up to her and hugged her tight. "At least your alright" I mumbled, I wouldn't be able to lose my best friend, not after Sophia. After pulling apart I hugged Carl to, who kissed my lips softly. "We're okay" he whispers. "Yeah" I mumble into his shoulder before pulling away and looking around. "Where's Daryl?" I asked, scared. "Must of gotten on the bus" Rick coughed out. Michonne offered to go search for others still here while me, AnnaBeth and Lucas searched for supplies well-enough to take with us. The stairs being blown down to my cell, I was unable to get my belongings, but with help from AnnaBeth and Lucas who lifted me up, I was able to get some ammo, my duffle bag, which I pulled my bow out of and swung it over my back along with some arrows, and my backpack with cloths and even my iPod. I sighed as I walked out and jumped from the ledge down to the ground. "Any food? I asked. "No" Lucas mumbled, before he could add anything else, a walker jumped at him, biting deep into his shoulder. "Oh my god!" AnnaBeth screamed, refusing to let go of his hand even though multiple walkers were coming. "We need to go!" I shouted, pulling her forearm tightly, causing her to fall over. A walker grabbed her ankle and she cried in pain. "AnnaBeth!" I screamed. Knowing what was happening, she pulled out the gun I gave her and pulled the trigger, but not before she could say "Go!". Letting go of her limp arm, I picked up her gun and ran out side, the walkers just missing my long hair with their rotten hands. I gasped in horror as I saw no Carl, and no Rick, just many, many walkers. So with my gear all set, I left, not thinking twice as I headed into the forest, my adrenalin pumping. I didn't have time to stop and breath, heck I haven't even shed a tear yet, but I want nothing more then to curl up in a ball and cry. But I'd rather run till I die, then be torn apart by my flesh by the walkers. Well running, I didn't have much time to thinks, I didn't even dare to stop and see how many walkers were behind me, afraid that there'd be a grand number.

After fifteen minutes, I had out run the dead mob by a bit, and climbed up a pine tree, scratching and cutting myself over and over on branches. I watched the mobs stumble by as I held my breath, hoping the couldn't smell me from here as the fresh blood came. Slowly, I took the risk to move and check the rounds in the gun that was used to kill my friend. Three. Three rounds left. Do I take the risk? Or end it now? By now I realized Daryl was gone, Merle too, and even Carl. each had just left. And now even my best friend was dead! I'm royally screwed and most likely to die because, well... Because

I'm alone.

Have no food, water.

Hardly any energy left.

Just saw my two friends die in front of me.

Carl left me behind.

And I have no idea where to go from here.

... Or even if I should go on.

Taking another glance at the gun, I knew I couldn't stop now, not after how far I've come. Go. Go. Go. I said to myself. AnnaBeth said go. I got to keep going, for her! In honor of my best friend.

I won't give up now. I won't, and I can't.


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