Chapter 35: Old Friend

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By now the sun was fully set and it was about ten something. I was standing in a back ally in front of a steal door. 'Maybe Glenn and Maggie are in there...' I thought. Turning the knob slowly, I yanked my hand back has if it burned and in a way it did. The handle was freezing! I was scared my hand would get stuck. Pulling my sleeve over my hand I tried again, no luck... must be locked. Turning around, I headed back to the apartment.

By the time I made it back I saw Lulu sleeping in her bed. I shut the door and it made a small 'click' noise. Lulu sat up slowly and rubbed her eyes as if she's been sleeping and is still tired. "Maxie? is that you?" she asked sweetly. 'No, it's the murder whom is here to kill you' I thought. "Yeah it's me. I just needed some fresh air" I smiled in the darkness. "Alright, we'll you should get to sleep" "yeah I will, you should to" and with that I laid down where I have my bed and just stayed up, just looking out the small peek in the curtains at the sky.

Morning came quickly sadly, but it was great to see the sun rise over the many brick buildings and light up the town. It's good to see what's still good in life. I stood up quietly and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast. Turning on the stove I started making eggs sunny side up and runny, except mine, I don't like runny eggs so I cook the yoke, and toasted toast then put butter on three, strawberry jam (which looked homemade) on two and peanut butter on three.

"Something smells good" Carol smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead. "I thought I'd be nice today" I giggled, even though I felt a little bad that the rest of the group is half way to starving.
"Mhm, this is great!" Sophia mumbled, because of the food in her mouth, and smiled. "Soph, don't talk with your mouth full" Carol whispered. "Sorry mom" she said before swallowing. "This was great. Um, I'm going for a walk" Lulu spoke, almost uncertain. "Can I come?" Sophia asked. "Yeah sure.." she gave a half smile. "Be safe" Carol called after the two rushing out the door. "Carol, do you trust Lucky?" I asked. Carol sighed "I don't know, there's something odd about her" "tell me about it..." after a while of small chit-chat about what we should do about the prison and how we can improve it she almost whispered. "You and Carl?" "Me and Carl what?" I almost said harshly. "How are you to?" "Carl and I are friends. Nothing more" "then why are you so mad about me asking" "I- I uh-" "morning" Carl said, sleepiness in his voice. "What are you talking about?" "Nothing!" I practically shouted. "Nothing" I repeated, more calm with a nervous chuckle. "Ok.." he said, looked between Carol and I. "Maxie made breakfast!" Carol smiled.

Governor's POV

"How much do you know of Rick Grimes and his group" I asked, calm. "Not much. Their just trying to survive and stay safe. Their a smart and brave bunch though" My youngest daughter replied, the oldest, Penny, died of the virus. "What about Maxie? is she still there? still alive?" "yes... And she killed Uncle Jake" anger boiled in me. Jake is my older brother, which technically makes me sort of Maxie's Uncle. "That bitch! I'm going to kill her, feed her to biters!" I shouted. "Daddy, keep your voice down. They are searching for Maggie and Glenn" "No one knows your here right?" I asked, she shook her head no. "Alright... tell me about the prison. Are there any ways to get in with out being noticed?"

Maxie's POV

Sophia came back to the apartment, alone, saying that Lulu just vanished so me and Carl have been walking in utter silence for well, ten minutes but its still awkward. Lost in thoughts, my shoulder bumped harshly into another's. "so sorry!" I said apologetically. "That's fi- Maxer?" Only two people call me that, my sister and... I turned to face her, my best friend AnnaBeth "Annie? Oh my god.. I thought you were.." "Dead, same to you" "AnnaBeth what's holding you up" A tall dirty blonde boy said, grabbing her hand and smiling at Carl and I in a friendly way. "Uh Lukas, this is my friend Maxie and.." "Carl" Carl smiled, outstretching his hand to shake Lukas's and AnnaBeth's hand. "Maxer, this is Lukas, my boyfriend" "Dude! you have a boyfriend? What happened to us growing old together and having races with the scooters!" I joked. We always had a strange friendship, it was me and her against the world. "C'Mon, we should find Lulu" Carl mumbled from behind me. "Lulu? has in Lucky?" Lukas spoke up. "Yeah. You know her?" Carl asked "Yeah, met her earlier, she was looking for the library" Lukas pointed. "Lukas, you go with him, Ill stay with Maxie" AnnaBeth smiled up at him, since she was short like me, and he gave her a small peck on the cheek and I felt a little sad, it's cute the way they are, I with I had someone to be cheesy and cute with. "Maxie, Ill meet you back at the apartment in an hour" Carl said sternly. "Yes dad" I mumbled under my breath.

"So, what happened to you? You show up to school covered in bruises, then you disappeared" AnnaBeth whispered well we sat at the small crowded Café. "I know our plan was to escape hell together but- After that day, my mind was cloudy, I just had to leave" I said with sad eyes. "It ok, I'm just glad your ok now" She gave a half smile. "You to." I took a sip of my mint hot chocolate and smiled at her. AnnaBeth is my best friend! I can't believe I survived with out her! (we've been friends since birth. Well she's a year younger then me but... You get the point!) "how did you and Lukas meet?" I asked. "Gun point" she chuckled. "What?" I giggled. "Yeah, walked into a small shop near your grandpas farm, looking for you, heard one ruckus in the back near the fruit aisle, back when it was still half fresh, and Bam! There he was. I was helping him find his brother, he was helping me find my sister, aka you!" "Cute" we may not be sisters really, but that's what a best friend is, long lost sibling meant to be. "What about you and Carl? You a thing?" "Carl and I? Pfft no, we were at a point but it wasn't really anything" I shrugged, feeling pain and heartbreak has images of Lulu and him kissing passed my mind, Lucky's devilish smile. I shuttered at the thought. "I can tell your lying Maxer" She glared playfully. I sighed "I really liked him, heck I think I still do, but after he cheated on me with Lucky I- I didn't want to feel heartbreak anymore. so friend zone" I shrugged. "Lulu seems like a bitch man" "trust me she is" I chuckled. "How'd you meet this group of yours" "well I was heading to the CDC, almost got hit with an RV and Bam!" I explained, we'll she nodded her head. "Would they take more people in?" "I bet I could talk Rick into it" I smiled. We finished our mint hot chocolates and told story's, both of our lives are better now then they were before the dead walked.

This is going to be way better with her around. Who wouldn't need there best friend.

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