Chapter 48: I Don't Need You

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Before you see the light, you got to deal with the darkness

Trudging through the forest, I hissed in pain with every step, positive my ankles were swollen and blistered from my high-tops rubbing against them. I clutched my stomach in pain as it grumbled under my arm, "So this is what really starving feels like" I mumbled under my breath. I fought hard to not tumble over, even though every step became hell after three miles in pain. 'Why is this forest never ending?!' I screamed in my head. A small scream of surprise barley lift my throat has I tripped on a old fallen tree, landing on my side and hurt shoulder. I whimpered and thought of Hershel, who would tell me what was wrong and that I should rest, then I'd pick a fight, half losing in the end. With tears stinging my eyes, I rolled onto my back where I just laid there, back arched from my backpack on which I was laying on, looking through trees to find the mid-noon sky. Clouds drifted by, the sun was shining brightly, and leaves blowing around me, sitting up slowly, I looked in the direction I just came from, with the tragedy's of yesterday still playing in mind, I was almost positive I could still smell the smoke from the prison, which had to be four or five miles behind me by now.

I was dehydrated and exhausted, bruised and weak, alone and scared, but still pushing on. To my ears, I could hear water! My eyes widened as I picked up the paste, I jogged, which was more of a limped speed walk, in the direction of the sound. I could see it, it was a small stream, probably only up to my waist, but it looked clean. I tossed my bags down and took big gulps of the cold water. After filling up my empty 2L water bottle that use to have Pepsi in it, I pulled my cloths off till I was just in my underwear and bra, and stepped into the blood chilling water. My teeth chattered as I sunk down, my toes digging into the soft sand, I washed up my arms and sniffled as the blood and dirt washed off my pale skin. My head felt lighter as I washed away the dirt and sweat that was all built up on my scalp. I pulled my long hair over my shoulder to look at my left. It was black and purple and has a few scratches on it, I touched it and flinched, hissing in pain I pulled a bandana from the backpack and set it on my shoulder, squinting in pain I climbed out of the cold water with my teeth chattering and skin turning purple, which was very noticeable with my light skin. I set my jeans and t-shirt in the water, scrubbing them and twisting them in the water and watching the dirt mix out and flow down the stream. I started humming as I pulled my cloths out of the water and swung them on a branch to dry. Digging threw my backpack I pulled out a grey, to big, t-shirt the went about mid-thigh, and black leggings that went just under my knee, both easy to move in. I pulled out my swift army knife with the shoelace and pulled it around my neck, missing my pocket knife slightly because the blade was longer and sharper, but I live. Looking at my still drying shirt and pants, I sighed and zipped up my bag and tossed both of them in the bush and walked around gathering sticks.

Someone's POV

I whipped the tears away, hissing a bit as the leaked into the fresh scratches from the prison blow and broken branches. I felt like a coward for so many reasons. One, I didèt try to save Sophia, then she died. Two, I ran, I didn't fight for the prison, I was already gone. I watched it go up in flames. I watched the walkers fill the gates. I watched everyone die. I was afraid and paralyzed. Hearing water splash, I threw my back to one of the many trees near me and took a shaky breath. "Oh crap" I muttered. Hearing more splashing then humming, I looked around the tree to see a girl standing there, in nothing but her bra and underwear. When the girl lifted her head from grabbing her cloths, I right away knew who she was, I was surprised I didn't the moment I saw the multiple scars. "Maxie" I whispered, quiet enough so she would't know I was here and watching here, because, well you know. I blushed a bit and turned my head away as she started to get dressed. Tell her your here! a voice in my head shouted. I stepped away from the tree and looked to where she was standing, but was gone. "What..?" I mumbled. A cool metal blade touched my throat from behind me. "Who the hell are you? Were you watching me?1" Maxie snapped. "Whoa Max! Calm done, it's me! Archer!" I shouted, panic raising inside of me.

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