Chapter 16: Safe behind bars

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Carl's POV

Five days since we lost Maxie. Daryl has been tracking her and still nothing, she's good at covering her tracks.
I never left the car, I'm still laying here waiting for Daryl to find her. If I had to eat, id roll the window down and Carol would pass me whatever. I hardly touched it. Dad and mom still try to make me apologize or they do. Hell I'm never speaking to them till Maxie's back.

"Rick!" I heard Daryl yell. I grabbed the keys and shoved them in my pocket and ran out hoping for good news.
"Did you find her! Where is she!?" I screamed.
"No. But I found a prison." That was all he said. I through the keys at the car refusing to drive with my mom and dad and got in Daryl's truck with Sophia, Carol and obviously Daryl. We drove to the prison and on seconds took it back from walkers. We all got in a cell and I picked to be alone. I need Maxie. I laid there staring at the roof and looked like a lost mental person.
"Maxie" I whispered.

~ Flashback ~

"C'mon Carl!" Maxie laugh well I climbed up the tree. She was already half way up to the top. I was just underneath the branch she was sitting on and she landed out her hand. I took it and savoured the warmth. I sat across from her on a thick branch and she smiled.
"My uncles farm had these tall willow and spruce trees all over! I spent half my days up here" she smiled. I loved they way she looked right now. "Your beautiful" I whispered well holding her face. I pulled her face closer to mine before connecting our lips. "I love you" I mumbled in the kiss. It's crazy how much two twelve year olds could love each other so much. I wish I knew her before this. I will never loose her.

~ end of flashback ~

"Carl I love you " Maxie whispered. I shot up and ran to hug her but my hands went through her shoulders and she disappeared. I'm going crazy.

Sorry short chapter :P
Next chapter will be Maxie's POV


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