Chapter four: welcome for now.

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The decision has to be made. Today. Now. Do I stay? Or die? I could survive on my own. I did for a few days. But then I had a goal; The CDC, cure, and safety. But no. It was ash and flames. This time my goal will be food, and shelter. I could find an apartment that leads to the roof so if I need to leave I could jump roofs. I was once put in a holding cell for that. What can I say? Found it like a hobby. I did a few jail worthy things. Stealing, roof jumping, threatening, all sorts of bombings; smoke to explosive. I was almost arrested but thank goodness my stepdad was a wealthy man. Well he had a good paying job that I call wealthy.

My name being repeated brought me to my focus. Carol was calling me and was standing in front of me with Sophia.

"You saved my little girl" she smiled with teary eyes.

I shrugged.

"Nothing major, y'all would of done the same. I just beat you to it" I spoke, keeping it cool.

She nodded and smiled brightly and her and Sophia gave me a hug. My eyes went wide with shock and I smiled hugging them back. It was odd, I felt like they were my family.

"Carol!? What are you doing? She's not in the group yet!" Shouted Shane.

"She saved my little girl." Carol chocked out. I can tell she's not one to defend her self.

"She's part of the group Shane. She proved she's worthy" Glenn spoke. I jumped at how silently he came up behind us.

"Yeah! It was her idea to get under the cars, she came after me!" Sophia spoke up. I couldn't help but smile at how they stood up for me.

"She's now family" Carol spoke.

Shane's face filled with anger,

"She needs to be voted in by the group, and Hershel's people" and with that he stormed off.

"Who's Hershel?" I asked filled with questions. Like: Who will vote me out? Who will vote me in? Will I be a help? Or drag? Can my past skills be of help?

All these questions are ones I thought of a lot since I met the group.

"Farm owner" was all Glenn said.

"C'mon. I want you to meet Carl" Sophia said.

"Mom? Are they pack?" I heard a child's, no older them me, speak.

"Yeah, Daryl found them in the car we left supplies at" Lori walked out and aloud us in.

"Carl!" Sophia squealed. She ran up and gave him a hug. I couldn't see what he looked like with Sophia in the way but I noticed her turn and face me and waved me over. Carl was laying in a bed with a bandage around his torso.

"Carl this is my friend, and saviour Josefine"

I made it over and finally got a look at Carl. Blushing, wide eyes, and mouth slightly open has I noticed how cute and attractive he was. Beautiful blue eyes, perfect hair just covering his eyes, and a loving smile that could have any girl after him.

"Jose, this is Carl, Carl Jose" Sophia said, going back to the nickname she gave me.

He made a similar expression I did, or I think I saw that. And smiled and extended a hand which I took and returned a smile, trying to find my cool again.

"Nice to meet you" I said once I was able to speak again. I never felt like this before. Nervous and scared to be stupid.

"See I told you you'd like him!" Sophia shouted.

I blushed a pulled my hand away.

"Soph!" And with that me and Sophia walked away.

Carl's POV

Whoa, I have never felt like that before. Butterflies, and nervous and scared. She was beautiful. Perfect chestnut locks with strawberry blond highlights, freckle, and beautiful soft brown eyes.

Josefine. The name stuck in my mind all day. I should go see if she needs help. To help her find a tent. I know my dad will let her stay in the group so once my wound is good enough to allow me to walk I'll help.

Josefine POV

"So Carl's pretty cute, hey?" Sophia blurted.

"He seems nice" I said, once again regaining my cool.

"Jose, I'm your my best friend now. Be honest" she pouted. I'm her best friend? Well I guess I can consider her mine too since one: never had real friends, two: world went to hell.

"Ok," I breathed out.

"He's attractive. I'll admit. But I don't have a chance, no one has time to like boys" I sighed.

"You do have a point, but maybe" I knew by 'maybe' she meant me and Carl, and trust me! I would love that. But who has time.

"Voting time!" Called Dale. I didn't even see him beside us, how much did he hear?

We nodded and both headed back to the farm house with Dale.

I felt nervous. Scared. Defenceless.

"Who wants Josefine in the group" Rick spoke up.

Carol, Sophia, Glenn, Dale, Daryl, Lori, Rick, T-Dog, Beth and Maggie all put their hands up even Carl which made me smile, I'm glad Carl was aloud to walk around now with his gun shot wound, nothing too major I guess. Ill ask what happened later, all I know was he was shot, or that's what Soph said. Leaving Andrea, Shane, Hershel, and Patricia out.

"Daddy?" Beth questioned.

"Has long has she's not a threat to my family" and with that he raise his hand.

Shane scoffed and left with Andrea. Wonder if their a couple...

I smiled at everyone "thank you. I'll prove I'm worthy!" Rick held the bridge of his nose.

Rick waved me over and we walked outside to the front porch.

"Shane doesn't like the idea of you here. Thinks your dead weight, can't help fight off walkers and protect yourself, talked Andrea to believe that too. And Patricia, well after Carl getting shot and Sophia, and you, going missing she thinks the same."

I glared at his words, if that's posable, and glared at him standing over by a barn. Guarding it? If so why?

"I saved everyone with my 'get under cars!' Idea. Chased and saved Sophia, taking down to walkers on the way, and survived three days on my own. Killing infected. I know three days ain't much but y'all would be surprised seeing what I saw."

"I know, I told him, he says luck" Rick nodded.

"Prove him and us your more needed then we think already.."

"Welcome to the group" Rick shook my hand and walked back inside where I followed.

"Josephine needs a tent"

"Josefine" I but in.

"Josefine, needs a tent" Rick fixed.

Sophia raised her hand but Rick declined.

"Carol needs you"

I was slightly upset since she is my friend.

"She can share with me" someone spoke up after several awkward minutes.

We all turned to look at where the voice came from.



Not amazing I know. But it's getting better in my eyes. I haven't fixed errors, I'm sure you've noticed. But I thank those reading. Dedicated to Liam4eva for being the first to vote, read, and comment. Thank you so much! I love you for that!

Vote! Comment! Or just read!

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