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Here is the second book! Hope you enjoy!! Cover by 25MockingLawrence
Third POV
         Katniss slams the door shut as she rushes into the hospital. Pulling her backpack off one shoulder, she makes her way to the main desk.
A plump nurse sits there. "Ron Everdeen."
The nurse sadly smiles. "Room 451"
    Katniss nods her head before making a run to the elevators. It's been this way for a few days now. There was huge snow storm so she couldn't get to her sick dad. A few months after her lover left, Katniss' dad got sick. Cancer to be exact.
      The ding from the elevator wakes Katniss up from her thoughts. Rushing towards the room, she wonders what life would be like if he was still her. Annie had told her that he had to go. Katniss knew Annie was not telling her something.
       Sitting down in the chair next to her sleeping father, she grabs his hand.
Katniss kisses his hand and sighs.
This was the second time the Everdeen family had to deal with this.
   I wonder what Peeta was doing now.

     While Katniss continues to watch her father, Peeta finally got out of bed. His brother, Rye, will be moving early to District 12 tomorrow morning. He sighs and wishes he could go back early too. Rye will probably see Katniss.
      Peeta picking up a box to place in the car, he wishes he could apologize to his love.  As he places the box in the car, Rye comes out.
"Look Peet, if I spot her, I will tell her you are coming okay?"
They do a man hug. "Bye Rye see you soon."
"See you soon little bro."
Peeta silently watches his older brother drive away towards the airport.
      Walking back inside, Peeta only has one thing on his mind.
Just three more days. Till I get to see Katniss.
Why hey guys.
I hope you enjoyed the prologue.
I will update soon. I'm super excited to write this sequel!!
Please vote and comment! It means so much to me!!
Madi :)

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