29: Shake It Off

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Katniss POV
Today Peeta and I are painting the walls of our new house. Just yesterday I was surprised with a house just for me and Peeta. It is big and beautiful. I'm still in shock that Peeta bought this house. It must have cost a lot. For other next few days, we will be aiming this house, well look like a house. With furniture, supplies, food we need and water, clothes, new sheets and paint in the walls. This morning we are painting our rooms a color we choose. Starting off with Peeta's room, than mine, the guest rooms we are going to have plain white and the rest will be done by workers coming next week.
In the afternoon, Peeta hired workers to help move in the furniture we had picked out late last night. If the paint is dry today, which it probably won't be, we will put designs on it. Something to calm us down. Like the woods for me and a sunset for Peeta. I already chose what color my room will be. A morning sky blue. Cause my design will be a forest, I want the sky to look like the sky I usually wake up to for hunting. The tops of trees will be my favorite green color and will probably cover the whole landscape of the four walls. Peeta will just do a beach, and a sunset. It will look beautiful. And than there is that extra room.
We both decided to do the walls a dark green color. The ceiling will reflect a sunset orange color. And so will the sheets of the bed as the blankets are a light green. The pillows we are going to work out later.

Right now I wear a plain cropped black and white stripped shirt. And some black leggings. Dirty old gym shoes are at my feet. Peeta wears a flannel over a dark grey short sleeved shirt and ripped jeans. His shoes are dirty as well. His a shy blonde hair messy and my braid is lazy. I didn't want to put full effort in it cause I knew it was going to end up messy anyway.

"I'm ready Katniss." Peeta calls out from the storage in the basement.
That's my cue to open the door for him. There he stands walking up the steps a smile on his face. He carries two large cans of paint. We already have most of the colors up in the room with the paint brushes. All we needed was the orange and blue.

"Hey sweetie." Peeta kisses my cheek before heading up the steps with me following suit.
"Hey." I reply.
He says, "Are you excited?"
I giggle. "I am very excited."
"Me too." Peeta laughs as we walk into his bedroom.
He sets the cans next to the rest of them and hands me a brush as he picks up his own.
"Well let's get started!" Peeta yells in excitement.
I laugh and dip my paint brush into the peachy colored paint. This one is going to be for the beach. Having done only a few strokes, a thought runs through my head.
"Peeta we forgot the music!" I shout.
Peeta dramatically gasps. "Your right we have!"

So he grabs his phone, puts his music on shuffle and we continue to paint. It is actually fun. Me being terrible at painting I am not so bad at just painting the walls. Mine looks pretty good. But not as good compared to Peeta's. Peeta, who is working on the tree, is concentrating really hard. He has a focus look in his eye, his lips parted slightly and his tongue licking the bottom lip as if to say I am almost there. Peeta's palm tree looks amazing. So real and detailed. I lift my focus off of my boyfriend for a while. After finishing the beach, I pick up a different brush, dip it into the water blue paint and start on the ocean.
Peeta said he will do the details of soft waves flowing through after I lightly brush the blue paint across the wall. He will also add a couple of rocks, warm bushes and seashells. It will look amazing. Everything will. Peeta is such an amazing painter and drawer. He has a special talent. He has lots of them. He can bake, paint, make some on happy, be helpful, caring, sweet, lovable and make someone safe.

It isn't till we have started the sunset when every thing goes down. A fun dancing song comes on. Not just any song. But a song from the artist that I love. Taylor Swift. Shake It Off blasts through the speakers. Slowly and carefully, I quietly dip my brush into the light red paint making sure when I pull it out, it drops a little. And I wait for the perfect timing to do what I am planning to do.

"But I keep cruising, can't stop, won't stop moving"

I call, "Hey Peeta?"
I raise the paint brush as he turns around. "Yeah?"
The next thing I know is that red paint is covering Peeta's left cheek. His eyes widen in shock and a playful smirk forms at his lips.
"Katniss Shrader Everdeen how dare you."
I giggle as he uses my middle name.

"Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play and the haters gonna hate, hate, hate hate, hate baby I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake. I shake it off."

Peeta than smears blue paint across my forehead. "Ah now we are even."
"Are we?" I raise an eyebrow as a pink blob of paint finds its way to his chin and drips down his neck.

"I'm dancing on my own, make the moves about to go, and that's what they don't know"

Green, red, orange, yellow, blue, purple, pink and many other colors mixed are all over us. Covering us from head to toe. Than when the chorus of shake it off is about to come yet again, Peeta grabs my hand.
"Come on let's dance."
I giggle and soon we are singing at the top of our lungs.

"Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, baby
I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off, oh oh
Heartbreakers gonna break, break break, break, break
And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake
baby I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
I shake it off, I shake it off. Oh oh.
Shake it off, I shake it off, off, I shake it off, of shake it off."

And as the song comes to the end, me and Peeta end up giggling. I'm in his arms as we dance to some random slow song that just came on. Not recognising it, so it must be new. As we continue to dance, I remember about the paint.

"I'm sorry to ruin this special moment Peeta, but we have to finish painting today."
Peeta nods. "Yes we do."
Before getting back to work though, we do say these four words to each other.
"I love you, Peeta."
"I love you, Katniss."

So we continue to paint. Every so often we stop to eat, have a paint fight, drink water, or dance. But by the end of the day we are tired. At least we got most of the rooms painted with designs too.

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