8: Visiting

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Katniss POV
I sit laughing with my dad. He had his treatment hours ago so after a nap, I came to visit. Mom took Prim to a hospital to see if that's the one she wants to work at.
Dad smiles. "So your boy is back, huh?"
I smile as we speak about Peeta. "Yeah Peeta's back."
"You seem happier. Because he is back. Tell the family that they are welcomed to visit me."
"Yeah I told them that." Silence follows and I hold my dads hand.
I quietly ask, "You won't die dad. Will you?"
"In not going to die."
I demand. "Don't lie to me. I can handle it."
He sighs. "I'm not sure sweetie. I keep feeling way better some days and than the next. Feels like a bullet in my stomach."
That gets a laugh out of me. "Katniss, I love you very much. I'm trying my hardest to stay."
I nod. "I love you too."
The phone gives a small ring and I pick it up.
"Ron Everdeen's room. Katniss Everdeen speaking."
A chuckle is at the other end of the phone. "Hey Katniss. It's Doctor Beetee. Do you mind opening the door for me? I left my keys in there."
"Yeah I will open it. Hold on."
I hang the phone up and stand to open the door. There stands Beetee with a smile on his face. Moving out of the way, he says. "Hello Ron. How you feeling?"
Dad smiles. "Good. Especially that my daughter is here."
We all laugh. "Well that's good. Oh you also have more visitors. Can I let them? It's a medium family. They're anxious to see you. Everyone is."
Dad jokes, "I guess I'm special."
I add, "You are special."
He gives my hand a squeeze and smiles bigger.
"Let them in doctor. The more the merrier."
Beetee smiles before saying he will be back with them.
I look around the small hospital room. This room is small, but can fit a bunch of people. There is a bed where my dad sits and sleeps, a desk, a table, tv, and a bunch of chairs. It's cozy if you were a visitor who has never been to a normal hospital, but a patient will complain.
A knock fills the room before Beetee steps back in to the room.
"I will let them in in a second. I just want to check his IV."
I nod side stepping to give him room.
"Good good." Beetee mutters to himself.
I decide to see who would want to visit my dad. The door is already wide open and I let a small gasp of shock out. There stands the Mellark family. Mr. and Mrs. Mellark stand there and give me a small smile. Rye, Cecelia and Maia stand talking waiting to visit. Than Peeta stands hands in pockets. His hair is messy and he just wears a sweatshirt and jeans.
He opens his arms and I give him a hug.
I announce, "You guys didn't have to come visit."
Mrs. Mellark smiles. "Yeah but we wanted to."
Than Beetee pokes his head out. "Katniss?"
I turn my head in Peeta's chest to look at him.
"Yeah doctor?"
He smiles. "Your dad wants food."
"My mom will be here in a little. Tell him that she is getting us dinner."
He nods and gestures that we can come in while telling dad the news. I walk inside the Mellarks on tail and see dad sitting up.
After Beetee leaves, Dad spots the Mellarks.
"Stuart, Lianna, you didn't have to come visit."
Stuart laughs. "Oh but we had to."
My dad gives a small smile. "It's good to see you all. Rye your wife and child are beautiful."
They have a conversation as Peeta rests his head on my shoulder.
"He looks good."
I nod. "Yeah. He is getting better."
"That's good." Peeta murmers into my shoulder.
Dad looks over at us. "Peeta, it's nice to see you."
Peeta gives a kurt nod. "It's good to see you too Mr. Everdeen."
He chuckles. "Oh please all me Ron."
For the rest of the day we eat, talk, and have fun. I turn my head to kiss my boyfriend. And that was what I thought was the last normal day of my life.

Hey guys! Another update!
Thank you guys so much for 5k reads on The Lucky One! It means so much!
I hope you enjoy this chapter. I will try and update soon.
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Madi :)

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