11: Bye, Dad

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Katniss POV
I hug Peeta close to me as my mom shares the news.
"Look Katniss, we are all sad. These things happen in life. And I know I did terrible things, but we need to cooperate with each other. Prim wants to go to college. Where are we supposed to get the money?"
I sigh. "You have a job mom. I'm not ready to get a job yet. But when I do, I will let you know."
My mom nods. "I will work on who is doing speeches and invitations . You just work on deserts and decorations with Peeta. Since he is an artist."
Peeta gives mom a smile. "I would be honored to have Katniss help me."
That gets a giggle out of me. He than picks me up and we go up into my room. Prim is at the hospital making sure dad is safely put down in a casket. This morning, at 4 a.m., the doctors took my dads life support away. I didn't want to see him die. It's all ready hard for me.
Peeta takes out a notebook and sits next to me on my bed. I bounce up and down anxiously like a little kid. Peeta laughs. "Okay let's start off with colors. What colors would you like the decorations to be?"
I think. Dad loved the color red. He thought it stood out and showed the boldness in life.
"Red." I state. "Red and black were his favorite colors."
Peeta nods and writes that on the note pad. We discuss the type of cake, deserts, and if we want plants or not. Peeta and I cried a few times. It's hard to plan a funeral. Especially his. Prim is sad too. Not as much as me or mom, but she did cry last night. And when we received the phone call, she is the bravest little duck there is.
Peeta rips the three pages we took up and stood.
"I'm sorry sweetie, but my dad needs me at the bakery. I have my shift now. Do you want me to stay tonight?"
These couple of nights he has stayed with me fighting off nightmares and making sure I was actually asleep. I love this boy. Peeta has also skipped at least two weeks of work down at the bakery just to help me.
I shake my head. "No you go work the shift. Than spend time with your family. I will be fine."
"Katniss, please call me if you need anything. I don't care what the time is. I will race over here to comfort you."
I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him to me. My lips are placed on mine in just the matter of times. With my hands in his hair and gripping his shirt, his hands are on my waist pulling me so imaying down. Our lips move in sync and we only breathe when we need air.
In between kisses, Peeta murmurs, "I love you."
He says it over and over making sure I know it.
I pull away from the many kisses. "You need to go Peeta. I will see you Friday at the funeral."
He nods and gives me one last loving kiss. "Ok I love you."
I smile. "And Katniss loves you Peeta. Very very much. But if you want more kisses, this Peeta Mellark has a cake and a job to do. Don't you?"
Peeta laughs and rushes out the door.

After pulling on my pajama shirt, which is just a plain tank top, I sit on my desk. A blank piece of paper sits in front of me waiting for words to be written on it. Grabbing a pen from the small cup on the corner of the desk, I write a greeting. And soon enough I had wrote a while entire speech. About my life and all the things that have happened to me so far. The good and the bad things that made me who I am today. Is what I will proudly say at my dad's funeral.
Folding the front and back piece of paper, I place the pen on top of it. I silently open my door and walk down the hall making sure to be quiet so I don't wake mom. Making it to Prim's room, I silently open and close the door. A blonde head sits up.
I turn around facing her.
"Can you sleep with me tonight?"
I nod and climb into her pink and white sheeted bed.
"I love you little duck."
Prim whines, "Ugh stop calling me that."
I smile and lay down. She soon cuddles into me.
"I miss dad."
I nod closing my eyes and laying my head on her soft fluffy pillow.
Before falling asleep, I whisper five words.
"Me too Prim. Me too."

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