10: It's Your Choice

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A/N This is a very quick authors note. Okay 1. 6k reads on The Lucky One?!! Omg that's just amazing. 2. 1k reads already on this book?!! Gosh thank you guys so so much. You honestly don't know how happy I am to know that you guys are enjoying this book. And 3. I'm almost to 300 followers which is shocking me a little. Anyway I hope you like this chapter. WARNING: These Next Few Chapters Will Be Sad!! Okay here is the chapter. Imagine this picture is Katniss sitting in the chair and Gale is mr. Everdeen. Again, thank you!

Katniss POV
I put my feet on the small tree beneath the hospital bed. My dad lays still unmoving. He has been in a Coma for over 2 weeks. The doctors say that they are giving him two more days to improve and wake, but if he doesn't than they are turning off his life support.
I'm holding my dads hand praying him to wake up. Sitting here not moving to watch him for a few days have been a little painful. Just knowing that your sick dad who is also in a coma might die in less than 48 hours is scary.
Peeta finally got me away from the hospital last night for me to finally sleep and shower. After scolding him, I realized it was probably be best if o did shower and not smell anymore.
I look at my dad. The dad who was always there for me when I was younger. Who would be the one to clean my scrapes on my knees when k fell. Or went hunting with me. He was the one I spent time with as a kid. Other than Prim, he was the one I truly cared about in the Everdeen family. I can't believe he got cancer. Or that my dad is in a coma.
I decide to sing to him. A lullaby he used to sing to me when I was little. When I got nightmares, this song would calm me.

"Deep in the meadow
Under the willow
A bed of grass
A soft green pillow

Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet and
tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you"

I finish the lullaby half way. Cause I know Peeta will be waiting for me. I'm letting my dad choose. It's his choice of he wants to live and hurt himself to see me happy. I will still be happy as long as I have Prim and Peeta.
Standing, I whisper a few words to my dad.
"It's your choice. Not mine. You choose if you would like to live. I don't care if you want to live. I want you to be happy dad. I love you. Choose what's right for you."
I swear I see the faintest smile form on his face. Blinking, I hear Peeta walk in to the room.
"You ready, Kat?"
I give my dad a kiss on the forehead before nodding.
"Yes I'm ready."
I run to Peeta and we walk out the door hand in hand. Tears threaten to fall and I let them. My dad will officially be dead tomorrow. I know that's what he will pick. He does t want to be in pain. Even though it will hurt me terribly, I have Peeta. Peeta, who is my rock and who I love. I also have my sweet little innocent sister. Prim, who brightens my day with her cheeriness. And even my mom. Who can heal anything really. She did help me when I was feeling sad about Peeta being away.
The only thing will be missing is dad. My dad, who was too kind. Too nice. Had a beautiful voice that every bird stopped to listen to. Who would hunt any animal he thought was good meat. The only person I ever looked up to.
Peeta rubs my back as we stop at the park. We sit on a bench surrounded by trees with their leaves falling onto the ground. I rest my head on Peeta's shoulder.
"I love you Katniss. I will always be here for you. Always."
I smile and give him a kiss.
"I love you Peeta too. So so much. Stay with me?"
And for the rest of this cool sunny day, we talk, kiss, laugh, cry while sharing memories from childhood. That's when I know that dad is going to heaven. My dad will be looking down at me. Watching me get married to the one I love and have kids, if I ever want them.
That gets a smile on my face. Thinking about my future, I wish and hope I spend my life with the one I truly love.
Peeta Mellark.

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