33: I Do

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A/N hey guys. As some of you people know, I have stopped the third book and I'm continuing the series on this one. So here it is! If you are still confused, feel free to PM me.

Katniss POV
           Staring at my reflection in my mirror, my Aunt Effie fusses as she fixes my wedding dress. It's weird having your aunt in the same room helping you get ready. The reflection staring back at me in the mirror isn't me.
             The mirror shows a totally different girl. A girl with her dark brown hair in a braided bun and her bangs clipped back. Her wedding dress strapless and long. Tight at the top, flows down near the waist. I wear white flats on my feet. Lots of make up brims out my grey eyes. My nails painted a pure white color with a silver sparkly outline. And my vail. It's cellar and has a dandelion flower crown that hooks to my hair.
                  Dandelion. That's a special flower for me. The first one in the springtime that brings me hope. Let's me know everything will be be okay.

Prim smiles up at me. "Your so pretty Katniss."
Effie decides to answer for me. "Oh yes she is darling. Wearing a Capitol dress finally."
I laugh. "Thank you."
Prim nods. "I'm so excited to be your maid of honor."
"Me too little duck."

            Just a few months ago, Prim came home from college with a doctors degree. She got a job at a near by hospital. When I told her and everyone else Peeta proposed, everyone was so happy. Prim was so happy and excited to be my maid of honor. And I'm happy too.

Annie giggles as she walks out of the bathroom and gasps when she sees me.

"Oh Katniss you look beautiful."
I beam. "Thank you."

           Glimmer, Clove and Johanna help Annie do her hair. They are my bridesmaids. Peeta and I chose the dress to be green with an orange head band for the girls. For the boys, the tuxes will be black, a sunset orange tie and a green bow instead of a flower. It's crazy that way, but both me and Peeta are crazy.

Tears form in my mom's eyes. "My baby is all grown up."
I roll my eyes. "In a month I will be Twenty two." (A/N I forgot again how old she was.)
They all laugh.
Suddenly bells ring and nerves fly all around inside of me.

Prim smirks. "Your find Kat."
I nod. "I know."
         I wave goodbye to them as they head out to walk down the aisle. The boys are Peeta's groomsmen and Finnick is his best man. Maia is the flower girl and Finn is the bear man.
          My thoughts end as Uncle Haymitch appears in the doorway.

"Are you ready sweetheart?"
I nod. "I told you to stop calling me that."
He just laughs as I take his arm. "Too bad, sweetheart."
I roll my eyes as we make it to the wedding room.
         I had asked my uncle to take me down since I don't really like Plutarch. Plutarch is the new man mom fell in love with. I'm just lucky he doesn't have kids or else we would have a bigger problem.

      Than the bells start off the song I'm supposed to start walking down the aisle on. Butterflies fly around in my stomach. I don't know why I'm nervous.

"Just focus on Peeta." Haymitch says.
I nod and repeat. "Focus on Peeta."
Than the next thing I know, Haymitch is leading me down the aisle.
        And than I see Peeta. Standing on that higher part of the stage smiling at me. Before I know it, Haymitch is handing me over to my soon to be husband.

Peeta smiles and takes both of my hands as the Priest begins the ceremony.
"Welcome Ladies and Gentleman. Family and Friends. We welcome you. To honor Peeta and Katniss wedding as Katniss won't be Katniss Everdeen but Katniss Mellark."

The audience clap.
"The vows are first to be said. Peeta, why don't you begin."

Peeta gives me a smile.
"Katniss, I have told you this many times so I will change it up a bit. I have loved you since age five. That has to prove something. I will love you for as long as I live. You are so beautiful and kind. And again, I love you."
Everyone chuckles and I give a smile.

"Katniss your turn."

I sigh. "Well um I'm not good at giving speeches and I forgot to write my vows."

That gets everyone laughing and Peeta rolls his eyes smiling.

"But I have fallen in love with my best friend. I didn't really think it was possible for me to love anyone in this way. But than you came along Peeta. And you are just so handsome, kind and caring. I love you Peeta Mellark. Thanks for always Staying with me. I know you always will."

The crowd gushes and laughs.

The priest continues on with the whole speech. I sign papers and repeat what he had said sometimes.
Until it's finally time for the 'I do's'.

"Peeta Mellark, do you take Katniss Everdeen to be your lovely wife and promise to protect and love her as long as you live?"
"I do." Peeta says smiling at me.
The Priest turns to me.
"And do you, Katniss Everdeen, take Peeta Mellark to be your beloved husband and love and care for him as long as you live?"
I smile. "I do."
The priest closes his book. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

       Peeta looks at me and I look at him. It's slow so I playfully roll my eyes.
"Oh come on and kiss me!"
And as his lips find mine, I wrap my arms around his neck as his hands are on my waist.
Johanna shouts. "You go girl!"
I smile into the kiss.
I'm finally Katniss Mellark. Peeta's wife.

          I laugh as Peeta spins me around. It's the after party and so far, Finnick has song a song he made for Peeta. And it brightened the mood a lot.

A slow song starts playing but not any slow song.
Love Story by Taylor Swift.

"It's our song Peeta." I say laying my head on his shoulder.
"It sure is sweetie. "He tells me.
       We continue dancing all night long till we come home. And that's when the rest of the night turns into a blur as I meet Peeta's lips halfway.

So Katniss and Peeta are now married.
And Katniss mom remarried.
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I hope you like!
And I will update soon.
Madi :)

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