19: Prim's Graduation

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Song of the chapter "Never grow up" Taylor Swift
Katniss POV
Today is the day. Primrose Everdeen officially graduates. My little duck is growing up so fast. It's hard to believe that less than a month, she will be off to Panem University. To become a doctor and save many lives. Ever since she was little, that's all she wanted to be. All she talked about. Prim even went to work with mom and watched her. Watched her cure people, help them and give advice. Prim would be great at this. My little sister is all the things she needs to be a doctor.
She is sweet and caring. Too innocent. Prim stands up to what she wants and will help others. It's just hard to see that my younger sister will soon be an adult. Living in her own house, with a husband and kids. She is growing up way to fast.
I smile at Prim. "Your dress looks fine."
Prim turns to me with a frown. "I'm nervous Katniss. What if they don't want me at the collage anymore? Or what if the job I apply to doesn't accept me? Or-"
"Prim, you worked hard for this. They will have to accept you. They will love you. Every one does."
Prim runs into my arms and hugs me. "Thanks Kat. For being an amazing sister. I love you."
I smile. "Love you to my little duck."
This time she doesn't tease me. We just stay silent. Hugging each other and rocking back in forth. Until Prim breaks the silence.
"Kat I never want to grow up. I'd wish I'd never grown up."
I say, "Than don't. Your still Young Prim. You can travel the world of you want to. You haven't grown up yet. If your still my little duck, which you will always be, Than you won't grow up. I won't make that happen."
She giggles. "Mom is waiting for us. I can feel her getting mad."
I laugh and grab my purse. "Than let's go."

Peeta lays an arm around my shoulders as we wait for the ceremony to begin.
Peeta says looking around. "Prim looks beautiful."
I nod and lay my head in the crook of his shoulder. "She does and is beautiful."
Prim is wearing a strapless white dress. Little gold gems are splattered all around the dress and big gold flower gems are in it too. Her make up is light and her shoulder length hair is in beach waves. I can tell her white flats are under the flower hitting dress. Prim wears a black and blue gown and that like the rest of her schoolmates.
Peeta murmurs in my ear, "And you look beautiful too."
I blush. "No I don't."
He turns his head to look at me and moves a stray strand of hair behind my ear. "Your right your not beautiful."
I frown.
Peeta giggles. "Your as radiant as the sun."
Now my face is a bright red color which makes my mom laugh at us.
I'm wearing a shirt yellow dress with a black leather jacket. I stole the black leather jacket from Peeta. I have on high black heeled boots. My hair is in a French braid that Peeta did on the way here.
The graduation ceremony starts and my aunt Effie walks up to the microphone. She is a secretary here at this school, and my uncle Haymitch is now principle. It surprises me that my drunk uncle could actually get up and go work a school everyday. Some days I worry if he would get fired from the district since he is so drunk.
"Welcome, welcome, to this year's graduation ceremony."
Cheers and clasp escape the audience.
"Lets begin now. First up to get their diploma is... Rue Thompson!"
I smile as i watch Prim's best friend go to except her diploma. She wears a sky blue puffy dress that ends to her knees.
Effie calls names one by one and than she finally announces the name me and my family have been waiting for. Peeta too.
"And now my niece, Primrose Everdeen!"
My little duck smiles at her and grabs the diploma. I smile as she gives me a thumbs up.
The audience and I stand up at the end.
"Thanks for coming to the graduation class of 2023!" Effie shrieks into the microphone and everyone throws their hats into the air.
I run up and hug Prim. Everyone hugs her and congradulats her. Peeta puts his hands on my waist.
"Ready to party?"
I laugh. "Oh you bet I am."
Than my lovely boyfriend and sister pull me into the car and my mom drives away towards the party.

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