34: Darling, it was good

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Katniss POV
       I'm cuddled up in the blankets and in Peeta's arms. We slept in the bedroom just for us. Last night was unbelievable. Finally I got to marry Peeta. I am his and he is mine. Forever and Always.
              Than we came back home. And it was amazing. Let's just say we had it. For the very first time. And it was amazing. We were closer than ever really. Right now, I think Peeta is still asleep. But I know that inside, he is having a party.
                But I guess he is awake. Cause when I look up, Peeta is staring at me with a creepy face.
I scream in terror.
He starts laughing.

"It's not funny Mr. Mellark." I shout.
Peeta nods. "It kind of is Mrs. Mellark."
I smile. "I like it."
"Like what?" He questions a smirk across his lips.
"Mrs. Katniss Mellark. It has a nice ring to it. Don't ya think?" I smile and pose.
Peeta chuckles and pulls me back down closer to him.
"Yes it does. Last night was fun."
I slide my hand down his bare strong chest.
"What? Marrying me?" I pause and wiggle my eyebrows. "Or having it with me right after."
Peeta puts on a funny thinking face. "Both."
Than, he leans in closer. "But Darling, it was good."
I giggle. "It sure was."
Peeta says, "Maybe we can do it again sometime."
"Maybe." I tease leaning forward.

         My lips soon reach his. Mine graze over his for a little longer. Before Peeta gives up his patients and crashes his onto mine fully. I am now pulled down on top of his chest. His hands travel up and down my body and mind find its way to just his chest. I can feel his small blonde hairs on his chest.
          Next thing you know, he is on top of me. Peeta removes his lips from mine and goes to my neck. I moan. As he kisses my neck, I turn my head a bit to check the time. 10:45am.
"Peeta.." I moan.
He grumbles. "What?"
"It's nearly 11 and the workers are coming at 12:30." I sigh.
Peeta rolls over onto his side. "But I want to stay into bed."
I kiss his nose lightly. "Me too. But if we want that new kitchen table, we have to go now."
Peeta groans but finally gets out of bed.

              Let's just say, a few days before the wedding, we had Finnick, Annie and Finn come over for a quick brunch. And Peeta thought the kitchen was a good place to wrestle. He wanted to prove to all of us that he was better than Finnick. Peeta won of course, but broke our wooden table.
              Now the wooden table is in pieces still on the floor. Today workers are coming to sweep up the broken wood and replacing the table with a metal one.
             I climb out of bed as Peeta puts on a plain white t-shirt. He also wears jeans. When he turns around finding I am staring at him, he poses.

Peeta laughs. "Don't I just look.....fabulous?"

I giggle and walk over to him. "Yes you look fabulous. And hot."

"Aw thanks babe. Wear something good." He teases.

        I plant a small kiss on his lips before heading over to my side of the closet. Annie had helped me move all our clothes to the closet in this bedroom. Peeta and I now sleep here instead of in separate rooms.
          Pulling on cropped black leggings since it's warm and a loose white tank top, I slide in some green Nike shoes. My hair is finally in its normal braid and I wear no make up.
           Walking down the stairs, I find Peeta in the kitchen putting our breakfast on the small kiddie table. Yes a kiddie table. Little Finn who is one year old thought this would come in use. So we had promised him till we get a new table we will sit and eat at this table. I laugh at the memory.

"Peeta, don't I just look.... fabulous?" I say mocking him.

He looks up at me and chuckles. "You sure do Kat."

I sit on one of those small kiddie chairs. "Isn't this fun? I feel like I'm a little kid again."

Peeta nods his head. "Good thing we have little Finn Odair in our life."

"Who acts just like his dad. "I add laughing.

       I pick up my fork and start on the cinnamon bun Peeta had made for breakfast. I'm glad Peeta can cook. Or we would have a problem cause I can't cook to save a life.

I moan. "This is heaven."

Peeta chuckles. "Thank you."

         As we finish, a knock is sounded at the door. That is my cue to go upstairs and not bother anyone while they work. Peeta will talk to them and fill out the paperwork. We had already shipped the payment in the mail beforehand so we didn't have to take the time and do it now.
              As I enter our bedroom, I can hear my husband open the door and greet the workers. We already sound like a married couple. Adults even though we are still a bit young. It's weird to have workers in our house. We haven't really and any workers in our house other than the lawn mower people telling us about extra weeds or stuff.
              I sigh and decide to call Prim. Ask her how life is. And her boyfriend. Yes she has a boyfriend. Reed Smokens. A tall young man with light brown hair and green eyes. He is muscular and is very smart. Not a nerd at all, sporty most of the time. But if we needed to know the math on tax or something, Reed would be the person we go to. They have been dating for almost a year now. My little duck has grown up. Reed wasn't able to make it to the wedding. He is a business worker for his parents tracks business. Except he doesn't travel that often.

I dial Prim's number. She picks up quickly.

"Why hello Kat."
I laugh. "Hey Prim. How's life?"
"Oh jolly. Mom just spilled the Mac and cheese she spent hours on."
"That's great. At least you aren't getting a new kitchen table right now."
Prim giggles and I join in. "Haha. Good thing we have Finn to have you eat at a kiddie table."
"Good thing. When does Reed come home?"
Prim says. "Soon. Probably this coming up Tuesday. And that will be the last trip for awhile."
"That's good." I reply.
"Did you and Peeta have you know..."
I know she has a smile on her face. 
I whisper, "Yes."
Prim shrieks. "Maybe kids are on the way. Ooh I'll be an aunt."
I hear mom in the background. "And I will be a grandma. Oh I'm getting old."
We both laugh.
Prim sighs. "Well sis I got to go. I have a shift in an hour and I want to eat something and I still need to get dressed."
"Alright. I love you, little duck."
She groans. "Ugh enough with the nickname."
"Bye!" I call out.
"Bye I love you too!" Prim says before hanging up.

                I laugh at how big my little duck is growing. Than my mind travels to another thought. Oh gosh my birthday is coming up. Only a month away. Peeta and I married yesterday Saturday, April 5th and my birthday is May 8th. Oh I wonder what Peeta has planned. Oh well.
       I just have to wait and see for myself when May 8th arrives.

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