31: Everything Has Changed

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A/N Hey Guys. Only a few more chapters till book three!!

Katniss POV
I stand in front of my mirror in my room looking at my reflection. It's nearly winter out but we live close to District 11 where they get a late winter. Mom helped me pick out what to wear last night. Which is a black and white striped sweater crop top. The white skater skirt is high and starts from my waist and goes to mid thigh. My shoes are black with openings and are short sandal heels.
Doing my normal braid, I see that I should just add a light coat of pink lip gloss. Just to brighten up the mood of my outfit. Black mascara is also added along with some foundation. Debating whether or not I should add faint blush, I come to a decision with a no. I don't want to much make up.

Peeta calls from downstairs. "You ready?"
"Yeah I'm coming down!" I yell back while grabbing a hand held black purse and my phone.
I run down the stairs like a crazy person and a smile on my face.
"Easy there Kat." Peeta smiles as he opens the front door for me.

"Thank you kind sir."

He nods. "Anytime m'lady."
I giggle and grab his hand and intertwine my fingers with his.
"Did I tell you that you look outstanding this lovely night?" He asks.
"No you didn't. But thank you sweetie." I say rustling his hair that is messy. "You dont look to bad yourself."
Peeta wears plain old khakis with a nice button up shirt. "Thanks."

He leads me into the forest and down a path. Why are we going in there? My question is soon answered when we stop in front of a clearing. But not just any clearing. Our very own clearing. The meadow. The tall grass still stands tall and healthy, so does that big oak tree. We haven't been down here in a while. The last time we have been down here was at least three weeks ago. Memories flood through my head and Peeta seems to be having them too.
The memories of when Peeta nd I met here every other day. In secret from our parents. We shared our first kiss here, our love for each other. The first strum of Peeta's guitar and the first verse of a song. So many memories that I hope to treasure forever. And I hope to make more. With Peeta.
I notice a picnic is set up under our oak tree. The same plain old red and white checkered blanket. With extra blankets, pillows, flowers, and a wooden basket filled with delicious food none other from the bakery. Homemade in fact. I can smell the sweet smell of my favorite foods and that gets me running. Peeta laughs and follows me.

"Yes Cheese Buns!" I squeal as I shove two juicy cheese buns in my mouth.
"Slow down Kat. They aren't going anywhere." Peeta laughs watching me.
I point a finger. "You could steal them."
He asks. "Why would I steal the food that I handmade?"
I shrug. "Because you are evil."

Bad choice of telling him he was evil. Cause the next thing I know is Peeta is tickling me. And I am very tickilish. I squeal and laugh w as sting my breath as his hands move around my sides making me giggle.

"P-Peeta please s-stop it!" I manage to get out in between laughs.
"Tell me I am not evil." Peeta demands.
"Your not evil and I love you!" I say breathing fast as he finally stops.
"Thank you and I love you too. Now time for a song." He smiles.
Than I picks his guitar up. Strumming a few notes I recognize the tune so I start to join him in singing the song.

" All I know is we said hello
Your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name, everything has changed
All I know is he held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed

All I know is we said hello
So dust off your highest hopes
All I know is pouring rain
And everything has changed
All I know is a new found grace
All my days, I'll know your face
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed"

I smile. "Nice voice Peeta."
"You too honey."

We both laugh and I am soon surprised at what happens next.

Hey guys.
So what do you think happens next?
Commenter you think!
Anyway, this bookie coming an end. Only a few more chapters left before I finish this one and start the sequel.
I hope liked the chapter. I will update soon.
Please vote, comment and share this series. It means a lot to me.
Madi :)

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