9: See You Again

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Katniss POV
Coma. That word travels through my head over and over. It's not possible. How can he be in a coma only after just hitting his head? The doctors don't even know which is very stupid.
My dad, who still has cancer, is now in a coma. I'm running through the woods tears streaming down my face. Why do these things always happen to me? He was fine a few days ago. They thought he was better. Ugh doctors.
I finally reach a tree and stop. Sliding down the tree my back to it, I can hear rips from my t-short and some of it scratches my skin. Not bothered by it, I put my head in my hands and cry.
Remembering that I just raced out of the hospital, Peeta and my family calling my name. Shouldn't they be searching for me?
I take that back. People call my name from the fence. Trying to stand up, I want to run. Just run away from this place. From Delly and Gale, who I feel like I see everywhere. That's when I hear familiar voices not strange ones.
"Katniss! Come on!"
I sigh and yell weakly, "Here."
Trying to stand, I yelp. I try to look at my back, but hands stop me.
"Katniss thank god I found you. I'm so sorry!" Peeta pulls me into a hug.
I again yelp in pain as his hands reach my back. Peeta pulls away fast and looks at my back. He starts laughing and I manage a smile.
"Gosh Kat what did you do now?"
I ask, "Kat?"
Peeta laughs and turns me around so I'm facing him. A smirk is on his face.
"Yes Kat. That's your nickname. Unless I could use Finnick's nickname. What was it? Oh kitty Kat or kitty?"
I shout, "Fine Kat it is!"
Than its my turn to smirk.
"Than that means you need a nickname."
He groans and I say, "Come on Bread boy!"
Peeta smiles and it slowly fades as he takes my hands.
"Are you okay?"
My smile falters. "Yeah now that your here."
He nods. "Okay let's take you to your mother. She will fix your scratches, right?"
I nod and kiss his check. "Yeah let's go."
I walk in front of him carefully. Leading Peeta through the woods was silent. I wonder if my mom would actually help? Or what she will think at least. Me trying to run away and hurting myself.
Soon we reach the fence and we both duck under it. I smile and reach for Peeta's hand.
"I love you." I say.
He smiles. "I love you too."
Time Laspe
My mom shakes her head. "Good thing you came to your dads room just in time. I was getting ready to leave for the night."
I nod as she finishes with the last band aids.
"Yeah well I didn't want to sit in the hospital bleeding for hours."
"True. Your all set honey. Come home soon."
I nod my head and grab dads cold hand.
His face is pale and his eyes are squeezed shut. Oh dad. Please wake up. Tears run down my face as I put my head down into my arms.
Soon I cry myself to sleep in the hospital room where my dad lays in a coma on the bed.

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