18: Finn Odair

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Katniss POV
I sit in the waiting room of the hospital on Peeta's lap. We are both anxious. The rest of the boys went to tell the girls what was happening so it's just me and Peeta. Finnick is in the room with Annie and we haven't heard any news for hours. The Odair and Cresta families went to grab us something to eat. Peeta bounces his knee wildly and I chew on my hair. I'm scared. My best friend might be dying, going into labor, or the baby died. Peeta's best friends wife is worrying him too. Finnick has been his best friends for way to long.
"Peeta?" I whimper like a little kid.
Peeta moves his head to the side so he can look me in my teary eyes. "I'm scared."
He holds me tighter and coos, "Shh. Every thing will be okay? Annie is strong. Nothing is wrong with the baby. She just fell and went into shock. That's all I think that happened."
I nod and lay my pounding head on his chest. "Annie is my best friend. I can't lose her and if Her baby dies, than I can't see her in pain."
Peeta says, "I know sweetie. Hey want me to braid your hair? That might calm you."
I laugh a little. "Since when does Peeta Mellark know how to braid."
I can feel him shrug. "My mom taught me how to braid her hair. I'm not the best but it won't look bad."
Nodding my head a yes, I feel him use his fingers to brush through my dark curly hair. After a she of running his hands through my hair, Peeta divides my hair into three sections. I close my eyes as he gently but tightly braids my hair. It relaxes me. Putting the rubber band on the end of the braid, he whispers in my ear, "I'm done."
I feel Peeta kiss my cheek lightly. "Katniss, I love you."
I smile and turn my head to kiss his lips. "I love you too."

After hours and hours of waiting, their doctor walks out.
"Family and friends?" He asks calmly.
We nod.
He smiles. "Sorry for keeping you all waiting for so long. It was a long journey but we got through it. Annie is perfectly fine. It took longer to get the baby out since the fall. Annie and Finnick Odair now have a lovely son. They requested Katniss and Peeta to come visit first."
I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. They are fine. Peeta helps me stand and we shake the doctors hand before walking into the room Annie is in the bed cuddled by Finnick who also is in the bed. And in their arms, is a bundle of blue blankets.
Peeta calmly says, "Hey guys."
The married couple with their now son, look up.
Annie smiles. "Hey guys. Want to hold him?"
Finnick coughs weirdly. A fake cough.
Annie giggles. "Oh right. Finnick here wants to tell you his name."
"Yeah that's right!" Finnick yells. We all shush him and quietly laugh.
His mouth forms an oh. "Oops. Anyway, I would like you to meet the one, the only, Finn Odair."
I smile. "Good name choice."
"Thanks kitty. "Finnick smirks.
We walk closer to see Finn Odair. He is now asleep peacefully and is probably one of the cutest baby ever.
Annie asks, "Want to hold him Peeta?"
I look at my boyfriend to see him nod. Peeta has always loved kids. He has always wanted them. As Annie hands him Finn carefully, a big goofy grin escapes Peeta's lips.
I turn to Annie. "I was worried Ann."
She nods. "I know. It was a hard long five hours getting this little one out. They thought that he was gone. Until I felt a contraction. They made me start pushing right away. I was confused through the whole thing, but Finnick got me through it. I'm just happy to have them both."
I smile. "You sure did get lucky."
Peeta hands Finn back to Annie. "He is a lovely baby but I have to take Katniss home now. It's late but we will visit you guys soon."
Finnick nods. "Thanks for staying."
"Anytime." I reply for Peeta who squeezes my hand
Annie nods. "Bye guys. Can you send our families in?"
Peeta smiles warmly. "Of course we can."
After waving goodbye and telling the families to go in, Peeta takes me home. I bid him a quick goodbye with a kiss and walk inside my house. Quickly waving to my mom and Prim hello, I soon am asleep in my bed.

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