3: Girls Day Out

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Katniss POV
I laugh at Annie as we eat lunch. She is explains about this one time a couple of days ago when Finnick found out she was pregnant and how he started a food fight.
Glimmer giggles. "I'm excited for you."
Jo nods. "Yeah you must be real happy. Cause when we were young you wouldn't let us come to this pizza place cause you thought it was slow."
I giggle at the memory. "Finally we got to come here."
Clove adds, "And we are lucky enough that there is only four days left until it closes."
We all laugh as Annie raises her hands.
"Hey I'm sorry!"
All us girls are having a day out to shop, hang out, and later tonight we are watching the new Pretty Little Liars. Season Six B starts tonight and all us girls are excited.
When we finish eating, us girls through our trash away. We are at the mall now looking for dresses. Walking into a store, I spit a dress I already like. It's black with a speckled top. The top straps don't connect in the back so it wraps around your neck. There is a little ruffle where the waist goes and the rest is a little tight.
"Hey guys? I'm going to try this on."
They nod squealing and go find their own.
I laugh and go to the changing room. Removing my clothes, I pull on the dress than look in the mirror. It fits me perfectly. I like it. I check the price and decide to get it. Pulling my regular clothes on, I head to the desk. After paying, I wait for the girls.
Annie smiles. "Now let's go watch Pretty little Liars!"
We all laugh at how silly we are. We are literally obsessed with Pretty Little Liars. Driving to my house, we are soon laying on the floor watching the premiere. It was really good and I fall asleep hoping to see someone special at the party.
Hey guys. Short chapter and I will try to make it longer next time.
I'm just having really bad cramps.
So I will update soon. I hope you like it.
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Who saw the Pretty Little Liars and Shadowhunters premiere? I did and I loved it.
Madi :)

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