1: Are You Sure?

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Katniss POV
"Katniss?" My mom softly calls. I sigh and close the book I'm reading. It's called Looking For Alaska and I like it so far.
I swing my feet to the side of my new bed at mom's house.
"Yes mom?"
"We are going to visit dad soon. I will call you down in about a half hour." She softly says.
I nod to myself. "Okay."
Things changed around here. Ever since Peeta left a year ago, I've seemed more quieter. Everyone has. About a month after he left, I finally stopped my crying and got out of bed. Than the divorce was official. Everybody was happy again. Mom became nicer again and everything seemed back to normal. Until five months ago. Late May, dad became sick. He thought it was just a cold so he told us not to worry.
Of course I worried. I was and still am very close to my dad. We sort of connect more than me and mom. I chose my dad's personality than my mom's. Mom came over in the beginning of June to check on him since he wasn't getting better. Dad was sent immediately to the emergency room of the hospital after fainting. Prim was at a friend's house when this all happened. But I saw it. All of it. I watched as he was wheeled away to go get scans and tests taken. It was scary. To see your dad get taken into hospitality.
Mom and I were there for hours. Crying historically waiting for results. As time went by, I actually did forgive mom. Of course I am still mad, but all this was coming in fast and I needed someone. Mom finally got the guts to call Prim's friends mom to bring Prim over. Prim came in worried and crying. We didn't know what to expect when the doctor came out. I remember him scanning all of us. Tears streaming our face as he told us the results.
Dad had leukemia. It's a type of cancer. The doctor said this was just an early stage of it and he was proud that we brought him in at the time we did. His name is Doctor Beetee. Beetee had told us that our dad would be staying at the hospital for a month or so. Getting tests and treatments. It was hard when we visited. Dad did get better and got to come home. Until it got bad. We took him back to the hospital confused about what was going on.
They said it was part of it. Dad went home one more time before we went back here again. Last time we checked, which was a few days ago, Beetee said It's best if dad would stay there. Dad gave us permission to have mom move into his house. It's much bigger and has lots of food. Dad is getting a lot better. Or that's what the doctors think. All I know really is the treatment is going well.
Shaking my head not wanting to think about this any longer, I hop out of bed. I decide to wait for tonight to take a shower. So I just put on some leggings, a plain white tank top with a grey sweater on top, and pull on my brown boots. Mom doesn't make me wear dresses that often. She now says oh on occasions. I do my side braid before adding natural make up.
I grab my book and phone with my headphones in my wallet. Running down the stairs, I walk into the living room. Prim sits there watching tv and mom just reads a magazine.
"Hey mom. Little duck. Are we going to go now?" I ask.
Prim stands up. Me being 26 already and her being 20, she has grown. (A/N I forgot how old they were in the first book and I'm too lazy to check. So if you know the ages, please tell me so I know if I need to fix the years apart.)
Her blonde hair was just cut so it goes to her shoulders.
"Yeah can we go now?" Prim smiles.
Mom soft laughs. "Fine let's go. Hop in the car."
I run out the door racing Prim. It's the beginning of October and it's starting to get colder. Beating Prim to the passenger seat, she groans the whole way. We got rid of our driver and some maids. Every Monday, Octavia does come over and do a little clean here and there. Mom pays her more than when she was working full time, which is nice.
We soon arrive to the hospital and I run out of the car. Prim and Mom go to the cafe first while I go to the front desk. The same plump nice lady sits there.
"Ron Everdeen."
She smiles at me. "Same room as always. Rumors day he's awake today."
A smile forms across my face. "Thanks."
"Anytime Katniss." She calls after me as I make my way to the elevators.
Mostly everyone here knows my name. I try to come here everyday. I hit floor 5 when I step into the empty elevator. Tapping my foot, I watch as the numbers on the screen go up from 1, 2, 3, 4, and finally it dings on floor 5. Quickly stepping out, I head to room 451 and walk inside.
Beetee stands checking dad's medicine. He looks up and smiles.
"Hello Katniss."
"Hey Doctor Beetee. The while family is here today."
He nods. "Excellent. Ron is doing great today. We are giving him a break off treatment so he is wide awake now. I was just leaving and I will check on him soon. You know the drills."
I give him a smile. "I sure do."
Beetee laughs before walking out and closing the old wooden door behind him.
I put a sad smile on my face before walking over to the side of the bed and sitting in a chair.
"Hey dad."
Dad slowly and carefully turns his head to see me. "Why hello my first baby girl."
"How are you feeling?" I grab is soft wrinkled hand into mine.
"Good sweetie. Just missing my hair."
I give a laugh. After a month of cancer, dad did lose his hair. There are some patches still there but are turning grey.
I joke, "Yeah but it will be very by now."
Dad softly chuckles. "You are one smart girl. Mom and Primrose here?"
I nod. "Yeah they just went to get breakfast."
"Okay. Well sweetie I'm going to shut my eyes for a little. I might have a day off treatment, but I just need to rest."
I sadly smile. "Well we will be here. I love you dad."
"I love you too. I love all of you. Tell them that." He says softly before going to rest.
I whisper, "I will daddy. Don't you worry."

Hey guys! First chapter. Done! And it's a long one. Well I hope you liked the first chapter. Peeta will be coming soon!
Please vote and comment. Means a lot to me.
4k on The Lucky One. So happy right now. Congrats to Jennifer Lawrence's golden globe award! I'm so proud of her!
Well I will update soon!
Madi :)

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