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honestly i have no idea whats wrong with our fandom

i mean

we've got full life supplies of majestic horse memes, eyebrow jokes, pedophilic ships, cleaning obsessions, an angry german, an obsessive sister, and a limited edition of a majestic motherfucking eagle on a mercedes-benz

what's not to love?


this chapter is extra long (2000 words ish). but be warned, lots of cheesiness, crappiness, and boring context lies ahead. read at own risk.


I was just as fairly shocked and confused as everyone else was. Never have I took much notice to my daily drink. I was also relatively scared; not of what they would think of me, but of what they would do to me. Frankly, I was expecting for the worst options, bitting on my lip ever so slightly every now and then, and preventing any eye contact.

After quite a while of observing, checking, and testing my tea packets, Hanji returned to the Commander's Office, where I was being asked various questions in. She knocked on the door, and came in with a stern look. She saluted before giving her reports to the Commander, whereas I had gulped before she spoke.

"Sir, I have examined the packets as you have told me to," She cleared her throat. "Contents consist of black tea leaves, some sort of light herbs that I'm not familiar with, and indeed, it contained dried blood that dissolved when mixed with water. I found these experiments to be very strange."

"Have you found any file reports on her family history?" He asked.

"Hardly, neither of our files matched any of the [L/N]'s bloodline." She averted her eyes to me, which only caused more nervousness to crawl into my being.

"I see." He calmly replied. The room was filled with silence.

Then Hanji spoke up again, "Have you made your decision, Commander?"

He had hesitated for a moment before he finally said, "For the time's being, we will not hand [F/N] [L/N] to the Military Police. Let her continue to be a member of the Survey Corps, and prepare for our next Expedition."

"Understood, Commander."

"However, if there are any other casualties, then we wouldn't have a choice but to have her adjudicated." He finished, then got up and walked over to my side. He put a hand on my shoulder, and faced Hanji. "Maybe you should bring her to Petra Ral. She needs someone to refresh her state of mind, convince her to stop using the tea packets before any news spreads around the HQ, and I know Petra is the person that can do just that."

"Of course." Hanji replied.

"[F/N], we'll let this slip, and forget that any of this has ever happened, alright?" He said with a convincing warm smile. "You have our trust."

I was on the verge of tears, as I clasped onto the blonde man and hugged him as tightly as I could, whom was clearly not expecting the gesture. He patted my back.

Once I let go, I looked at him sincerely and said, ". . .T-Thank you."

*Tiny Time Skip*

Me and Hanji were heading towards what she told me was Petra Ral's room. I remember Eren mention that name before, yet I didn't take much notice to the person that owns it.

"Tell me, [F/N]," Hanji said in a low voice. "Are you hidding something?"

I looked at her in disbelief, "Are you seriously suspecting me?"

She appeared to be deep in thought, before she laughed a little to ease the mood, and responded, "I guess not."

The sound of her footsteps vanished, and she knocked on a particular door. Petra's I suppose.

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