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hello again, everyone

this is more of a filler, i guess, since nothing too big is going to happen yet

okay but

hush listen to me

go click that vote button

yas i know you want to

mhm go ahead im waiting

dont you dare scroll through this & ignore that beautiful button!

did you click it yet?



you may proceed.

Third Person.

//1 month and 2 weeks have passed since [f/n] [l/n] was recruited into the Survey Corps.//

Levi began to distance himself from you for the past two weeks. He'd usually say hi to you on the way towards the cafeteria, or engage in light conversations. But now, he'd barely even acknowledge your presence. Sure, you were both devastated over the absence of your squad members, but you were astonished by how he was certainly better at hiding it.

You remembered those words vividly he said to you once the both of you stepped back into the HQ after the previous expedition,

"[f/n], do me a favor and forget all of those things I said. I was not in my right mind, so I hope you understand." His gaze at me was sending shivers down my spine. "I also hope that you can forgive me for risking your life by leaving you. For that, I'm truly sorry."

"Y-yes, of course, Levi."

You were heading towards his room, a cup of black tea in hand. You thought he'd appreciate it.

Bitting on your lip, you shakily brought your hand up, and knocked twice on his door.

You blinked when you didn't hear his usual reply, and decided to knock again, but before you could do so, you heard the man speak up. ". . State your name, and business."

"It's just me, sir." You said softly. "I brought something for you."

"Alright," You heard him exhale. "Come in."

Swinging the door open far enough for you to slide in carefully, you stepped inside. You tried to give him a warm smile as his eyes made contact with yours. He didn't smile back, but instead went back to scan over his papers.

You placed the cup cautiously on to his worktable, and put your hands behind your back awkwardly.

His gaze averted towards the liquid inside the cup. "What's this?"

"Tea. I thought you'd like it." You said.

Of course, to be truthful, Hanji was the one that suggested you to do it, but obviously you couldn't say that.

He blinked, and finally said, "Thank you, [f/n]."

He took a sip, and placed the cup back where it stood before. Then he proceeded with his stack of work that needed to be finished.

You were still standing there, contemplating on what you had to say next.

Levi noticed you still standing there, and surprisingly, he didn't rudely tell you to leave as you had expected.

"Anything else you have to say?"

"Oh, about that. . . Well, yes," You squeaked, and fiddled around with your thumbs.

"Hanji and I wanted to go out into town today for supplies. Would you like to come with us, Levi?"

He placed back his pen, and gave you his attention. First of all, he had finally noticed the sundress you were wearing, and although he could not admit it out loud, he thought that you looked stunningly gorgeous.

Escape | Levi x Ghoul!reader | Attack on Titan/Tokyo Ghoul CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now