(Chapter Fourteen.)

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I popped a cherry tomato in my mouth as I stared down at my hand that had the henna on it and smiled. I kept flashing back to how I got it and all I could feel was happiness. I didn't have to look up to see my family was watching me as I ate, but I was to happy to care.

"So Jaycee, how'd you get that again?", my father asked.

"Oh.", I said, looking up at him. "I met up with Jessica who has a friend who's Indian and she did it for me." I held my hand out as if there was a ring on it, "Isn't it pretty." I couldn't tell him how I really got it, he would flip if he found out not only is Hermes a warlock, but he was teaching me magic. I had always thoughts witches and warlock were evil cause of what they did to my family and I don't think I would want to know what my father would do to 'protect' me from their 'evil kind'.

"As long as it isn't real, I think it's a masterpiece.", he said as he chuckled.

After dinner I put my plate in the dishwasher and went upstairs to my room. I took a few steps in before something hit my nose. I paused, stiffen a few more time. My eyebrows came together, "What is that smell?", I asked myself.

Any normal human person wouldn't smell it, but since I was part wolf, I could faintly smell it. What was bad-I wasn't sure where it was coming from. It was a nasty garbage or Jace's sweaty feet smell but it was strange-it smelt.

I looked around my room a little, trying to look where I could find where the smell was coming from, but I couldn't. Having my mom OCD, I keep my room fairly clean, I would be able to see where ever it was coming from.

But I didn't.

I sat on my bed and just ignored it.

I looked down at the henna tattoo and wonder-I can do this on my own. I don't need Hermes.

But twenty minutes later, I was proven wrong. Not even a dot. I huffed out my nose heavily and laid back against my pillow, excited for a new day tomorrow.



It's like she marked me, I thought as I touched my biceps where the faces of wolves where. I wasn't completely sure if she meant to do it on purpose since it was really me that brought the magic, she just thought of it the same time.

I grabbed my long sleeve flannel shirt and button it up on me. If my parents-well, more like my mom-saw them, she would have a heart attack. I'll just have to wear long sleeves until they go away. I left my room and went downstairs where my mom was making breakfast.

I brought my sleeve down longer when I put my hands on the table and you could see the swirls on them. I gave her a warm smile and she smiled back, but look uncertain. I looked into her mind and saw she was wondering what I was doing now and hoped it had nothing to do with Jaycee.

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