Insane Doesn't Even Begin to Cover It... Chapter 16

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After a while, I start to get a little sleepy, so I lean my head back against the wall and close my eyes, fully planning on just going to sleep sitting there.

I don’t doze off for long though, because eventually Caden is whispering something in my ear.

“Come on Senna, you can’t fall asleep out here, you’ll get sick. Come on, get up.” I can feel his breath on my neck, and I have to stop myself from squirming away.

That’s just a little too creepy.

“Don’t make me pick you up…” He threatens softly, and my eyes shoot wide open. Biting my lip, I move into a kneeling position, and Caden stands up. “Come on…” He says, and smiles.

Rolling my eyes, I stand up and start following him back down the hallway towards our cell. As soon as we step in, the door slams shut behind us and I cringe, glaring down at the floor.

Stupid fuckers.

I drop down on my bed face first and then lift myself up on my elbows, so I’m staring at the wall. Suddenly, Caden’s face injects itself into my line of vision and I almost freak out.

“Hahaha calm down Senna…I’m not gonna eat you or anything…I was just wondering what you were staring at. Y’know, the wall isn’t interesting… “

Oh and you are?

I stare at him for a few minutes, until he gives up and moves back to his bed. I flip over and turn on my side, so I’m facing him. Then I start staring at him.

He doesn’t notice at first, but when he does it’s kind of obvious. He was lying down, with his arms under his head, and when he felt my stare, he just… tensed up.

And after a few more minutes of me staring, he tensed up everywhere if you know what I’m saying…

Smirking slightly, I stare for a few more seconds, then roll over and pull the blanket up over me. I hear him rustling around, and I know that if I turned back around he’d be blushing.

After a few moments, the rustling stops, and I start drifting off. I fall asleep with a smirk on my face.


The next morning, I wake up before him, and I sit on my bed until he wakes up. For some reason they don’t open the doors unless both of us are awake at the same time. I don’t know how they know when we’re both awake, but somehow they do.

Eventually he wakes up, and lies there for a minute.

I pretend not to notice, only going over and waiting by the door. As soon as he sits up, the door opens and I walk out into the hallway and go down the stairs, knowing that he’s coming after me.

“Hey! SENNA!” I stop and turn to look at him. With a ‘what do you want?’ look on my face. “About last night…” He whispers, and his cheeks get a little red. I smirk and turn back around, going towards the cafeteria.

Just because the staff and I are in a sort of war, doesn’t mean that I won’t get food from them. Good food that is.

Not that drugged up shit.

He keeps trying to stop me and talk to me but I don’t listen, and I go through the cafeteria, to the door to the kitchen. I burst in, surprising a few of the nurses inside, and they glare as I raid one of the refrigerators.

Well they can go fuck themselves. I’m not going hungry.

Caden grabs some food too, and follows me out of the kitchen and back to the cafeteria. We go to our usual table and sit down. He sits across from me again and I start eating slowly, not even paying attention to him.

“Senna please…” he whispers.

Jeez, what’s his deal. So what, I made him…ahem…hard, but that’s okay, I’m not mad about it or anything.

“Just let me talk to you.” He says and I look up at him and roll my eyes, signaling him to go ahead. “Okay well… last night, I didn’t mean for that to happen. It just…did…” He doesn’t look at me while he talks, just stares down at his food.

After a few moments he starts eating and I do too.


When we’re done eating, we both go back upstairs, and he stays on the opposite side of the hallway from me, until we get to our cell. Then we have a dilemma.

He’s on one side of the door and I’m on the other. He’s staring down at his feet, while I’m staring at him.

“Would you please stop staring at me?” He whispers, and I silently sigh, and look towards the door. Eventually he looks up at me and I motion for him to go into the room first. “No, ladies first.” My eyes narrow, but I go in first, and then sit on my bed.

He comes in and sits on his, facing away from me.

I wonder if he’s going to be like this forever…

Reaching under my bed, I feel around for the hole in my mattress and pull out one of the small books I stole from one of my psychiatrist’s offices. Lying back, I open it to the first page and commence to reading it all over again.


“Hey Senna?” Caden’s voice snaps me out of my reverie and I look over at him. He’s looking at me curiously. “Is it okay if I call you Sen?” I nod just slightly and he smiles. “Okay Sen…”

Everything gets quiet again for a while, until he interrupts it again.

“I think it’s time we thought up a way to get out of this place. There’s something seriously wrong going on here.”

And he leaves it at that.

I know he’s right.

But what can two lonely patients do against a whole institution?

A whole damn lot, that’s what.

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