Insane Doesn't Even Begin to Cover It... Chapter 28

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I stay in the sun room for about thirty more minutes, staring outside. At one point, I see a few snow flurries fall, and I decide that's when it's time for me to go back to my room. I know that whenever it snows here, this room always gets so much colder than the rest of the building, and I don't do the cold.

Leaving the room, I start heading to my room, but turn around when the bell for lunch rings. On the way, Caden falls into step beside me and walks with me. He doesn't say anything as we go through the line, and then sit down. But he does start a conversation once we're all settled with our grilled cheese sandwiches and little salads.

"So, Senna, how have your meetings with Becca going?" He asks, taking a bite of his sandwich.

I take out my notebook and begin to write.

'Pretty good actually. She's really helping me. I don't know what it is, but there's something different about her.' I show him and he smiles.

"That's good! What have you been doing?"

'Just talking about things. We started going over my phobias today... It was kinda hard for me to listen to her talk about what she was but I feel like it helped.'

"Awesome!! I'm glad!" He grins and I smile a little bit, blushing. I've never really gotten praise for something before, so it makes me feel kind of awkward.

After lunch, Caden and I are on my way to my room when an announcement comes on and tells everyone to go to the auditorium room or whatever, for some news. Caden and I turn around and go there, getting mixed in with a crowd of other patients. I make sure not to get separated from him, and we find seats in the middle of all the others.

That's generally where you want to be in these meetings, in the middle of everyone. If you're at the front of the rows, the doctors talking tend to stare at you and well... they sometimes spray more than they say.

And the doctors at the back are the ones that go around and get on to patients for talking, and you can feel their stares boring through the back of your head, as if daring you to interrupt. But when you're in the middle, you generally just blend in. And most of the people in the middle are the ones that don't act up and just go with the flow.

I wouldn't really be counted in with these people, but I don't really want to make a scene right now... When everything has just started to get good for me.

First off, the doctors start talking about new patients and such, introducing them. They aren't too important, and I don't pay much attention. Then they get into the more major details.

Like medications and treatments.

I kind of zone out at the beginning when they go through all the treatments the hospital already has, and then they start introducing new things. See, they've never really been able to touch the patients... but apparently now they can.

First they start talking about how they were now allowed to cut us open if they had to, and they have certified surgeons on the staff. And then they bring in therapy for those of us with phobias, which is a good percentage of the patients.

Things like... locking people in closets who have claustrophobia, etc. My eyes open wide when I hear this, and my heart starts beating fast. I probably have one of the largest number of phobias in this place... This doesn't bode well.

Then they say that shock therapy is being introduced, and water therapy, and solitary, etc. Well, solitary was already here, it was just hardly ever used. I guess they're going to be enforcing it more...

At the end of the presentation, we all stand up and go back to our rooms or wherever we were before. These new treatments were mandatory... no doctor was exempt from performing these if they needed to.

All the way back to my room, I'm freaking out. My hands are shaking and I'm breathing shallow and fast, almost hyperventilating. Caden keeps asking what's wrong, and I just shake my head.

At one point, he has to take my notebook and pen and carry them for me, because my hands were shaking so bad that I almost dropped them. When we get back to my room, I take a seat on my cot and put my head in my hands, letting my hair fall into my face.

I'm about to start crying. Just thinking about having to go through that torture... I can't handle it. This can't be good for my mental state.

Due to the way I'm breathing, I start to get light headed and I slowly let myself slump over on my side, and Caden makes me lay out flat on my back. I sling my arm over my eyes, still shaking, starting to cry.

I reach for Caden and point to my notebook, uncovering my eyes. He gives it to me, and I write something down in shaky handwriting, hardly able to focus.

'I... I can't..'

Everything fades to black, and I can't even finish my sentence.


Hope you liked it! And someone brought to my attention that it says Caden is 17 and that Senna is 13. Well, I've changed that as I've been writing and I guess I never actually went back and CHANGED it.

Senna is actually 15, and he's still 17. And yes, she knows a lot. The doctors taught her when she was younger and some of her psychiatrists and things would let her read dictionaries and such. She's just a really intuitive, smart cookie.

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