Insane Doesn't Even Begin to Cover It... Chapter 19

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The next day, I get up and leave the room before Caden is even awake. I intend on ignoring him the whole day. What he did last night… That…wasn’t right. He should know that he can’t do that to me.

If he had touched me… kissed me… I don’t even want to think about what would happen. People have touched me before, of course… but if it was him after all that we’ve been through so far… I couldn’t handle it.

I’m one of the first ones in the cafeteria, and I get my tray with the muck that they call food, and go and sit at my table. I place the tray on the table and start picking at the stuff on it, with the plastic fork they surprisingly gave me. It looks like some weird off-colored powdered eggs, really fatty bacon and what looks like something a dog puked up, which I assume is oatmeal.

Patients slowly start filing into the cafeteria, going through the same old routine that happens every day. They get their food, they sit down, they eat it and get their pills when the nurses come around with them. They swallow the pills and go back to eating. When they’re done they walk like robots to throw away their trash, put the tray on the rack and walk out to whatever they were doing before. This all happens within an hour, maybe an hour and a half. It’s boring, oh so very boring.

It’s like I’m the only one in the whole building that still has one little bit of life left in me. A spark that keeps me going and keeps me separated from all the rest… It’s insane.

At some point, Caden comes in and gets the tray of stuff, and sits down across the table from me. I don’t pay him any attention or even show that I noticed him. He needs to learn that he can’t freak me out like that.

After a few moments of awkward silence accompanied by the sounds of forks scraping against plates and slight whispers from the more… sociable patients, I get up and toss my trash, throwing my tray on the rack once I’m done. I walk out and go back up to mine and Caden’s room, taking my time. On the way I pass Griffin, who looks at me with a blank expression and then moves on. I turn and look at him once he’s past me, and my eyes are drawn to his bandaged hand. I smirk a little to myself and continue on my way, proud of what I had done.

He deserved having that letter opener shoved into his hand. He was getting just a little too cocky. He’s lucky I didn’t shove it anywhere else…  


That afternoon, after lunch, I am called to the sun room. The sun room is this big wide open space, where 3 of the walls are made of bulletproof glass, along with the ceiling. There are a few potted plants here and there, along with a few hanging ones coming down from shelves fastened to the walls. High enough up to where the patients couldn’t reach them without a ladder, which they aren’t ever allowed access too.

Once I get there, I take my time walking in, pushing open the heavy doors extra slow, letting people go in front of me, things like that. When I’m finally in there, though, I see that Griffin is there, along with a pretty woman that I haven’t seen before.

“Ah Senna, come over here!” Griffin calls, motioning with his good hand. I sigh and walk over, standing in front of both of them. The woman is looking at me with this ‘I’m so much better than you’ look, and Griffin is just impassive.

I raise my eyebrows in a ‘What do you want’ look, and he starts talking.

“Well Senna, you know what you did to my hand…” He trails off for a second and looks down at the bandage, and then back at me, “that wasn’t acceptable, as you should already know. And I don’t think I should be your doctor anymore. I will continue sessions here with Caden and my other patients, but I just can’t have you around me. In fact, if you come within 5 feet of me again, I will have you locked up in solitary for a week.” He says, finally stopping to take a breath.

I don’t change my expression, keeping a blank I don’t care face on. And the truth is, I really do not care. Supposedly everyone that is brought in to look at me is ‘the best!’ or whatever. But from what I’ve seen, they can’t do shit. It seems like they can’t even handle their own thoughts and emotions, without having to figure mine out too.

“Now, I have taken it upon myself to find a new doctor for you. She is actually a DOCTOR. Not just a counselor or a psychiatrist. She can prescribe you medicine if she wants, she can perform tests on you if she wants, she can do whatever she needs to help herself help you. Senna, I’d like you to meet Ms. Johnson.”

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