Chapter Seven

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 "Why?", George frowned. "I thought you liked it."

 I removed his hands away from me and said, "They're waiting inside."

 George was about to enter but then he paused. "You're not going in?", he asked me.

 "I have nothing to do with it anyway. What will you need me for?" Today the boys were scheduled in a crucial meeting. They were told to be in Cavern at lunch time, before the club opens at five.

 "Just go with me, love.", he held my hand and squeezed it.

  I smiled and we went inside. First for me to be there at noontime, anyone could hardly tell a place like this could be alive as a firecracker in the night. Almost nobody was there except for John, Paul and Ringo, talking with some well-dressed man.

 "You lads startin' already?", George grabbed a chair and sat down.

 They seemed to be discussing an important matter, I decided to give them space. I went to my favourite spot at the front. A blonde young woman entered, at the first place, I thought she might be Dot. I had no idea why I ever thought about it, but then I saw her  kissed John, and said hello to the rest of the boys. She too, found her space by sitting next to me while probably wondering why I was there too.

 "Hello.", she smiled, placing her hands in her lap. "So you must be Hannah."

 "You know me?", I was surprised. "Sorry, what I mean is.."

 "No, no. It's fine. They told me about you. Especially George.", she chuckled. "I'm Cynthia."

 "Nice to meet you.", I smiled.

 "You wanna drink?", she opened her purse.

 "Sure. Thank you."

 Cynthia ordered two glasses of berry smoothie. As we took sip to our beverages, we talked about a lot of stuff, that was when I knew she and John have been together since their college  years, I was impressed. She seemed so friendly, I began telling her about me too, where I was from, and what led me here.

 "At least you got a relative here.", she reckoned after I told her about my trip here in Liverpool. "It couldn't get any worse, you have George."

 "I know.", I just drank the smoothie so fast. I glanced at the boys and the man they called, Mr. Epstein. Paul was holding a half crumpled paper, looking so serious. "What are they talking about?", I asked Cynthia.

 Cynthia sipped on her drink. "I think they already received the letter from Decca."


 "They auditioned for a recording contract. Their manager arranged it all."

We looked at them but we didn't leave our places.

 "We did great!", we heard John snarled. "Why put us down?!"

 "They wanted ten original songs, we gave them fifteen. What more could they ask for?", Paul questioned Epstein.

  "Boys, they already said yes to the first group. They couldn't handle both of us.", Mr. Epstein got a few papers from a folder. "I've spoken to the Parlophone. George Martin. They're willing to let us audition. We can do better."

 "Maybe they wanted Pete back.", Ringo muttered.

 "Of course they don't.", George looked at Ringo. "When do we start again, guv?", he turned to Epstein.

 "Today we go.", Epstein fixed the papers. "Pack your things, we're going to London."

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