Chapter Thirteen

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  "Now on their way towards the pinnacle of their career as the most loved quartet of our dear Liverpool, their recently released solo has conquered all of Britain, radio stations are bombarded with requests of their song, record stores are surged by fans. Will the scene keep going or grow even more as the four lads come home from a Hamburg by the end of the month?" , said the morning papers.

  "Would you look at that.", Aunt Anne removed her reading glasses and put them aside. She handed me the local town paper with a brief article about the boys.

  "They're really in the front page.", I smiled, looking at the blurry pictograph of  them, probably taken at the Star-Club in Germany.

 "Well they'll be back in Cavern with plenty of girls waiting for them.", Aunt Anne grinned. 

 "I-I know.", I simpered.

  Aunt Anne chuckled and gave me a pinch on the cheek . "But I'm sure you won't be jealous, will you?"

  Of course not. Is there a reason for me to be one? I have seen how everyone adores them, liking each member of the band, and I simply know some girls go gaga for George too. But that's not my concern. I love George, but time is not that kind to allow the two of us to be together always. And it hurts. I rested my face on my palms, thinking how  George was doing now.


  "Hurry Hannah!", Cynthia cried. "They must be here now!", her grip was kind of hurting me as we walked through the crowd, gathering near the gates of the airport near Blackpool.

 I, too was dying with anticipation. After a month, finally they would be back for good. And I was looking forward to seeing George again. I held my head high,looking for a sign of their arrival and when all I could see were the people around, I asked,"Uhm, How are we supposed to see them?"

 Cynthia burst out a giggle. "The question is,'How are they supposed to see us?"

  She got a point though. We were in the middle of the mob who knows who has heard the good news too. The number of people wasn't that huge but it was noisy. Most were girls at my age. Wow, I thought. What if I didn't meet Paul and George or any of the four? Would I be one of these girls as well?

 I felt Cynthia grabbed my arm, pulling ourselves away from the others, I asked her why and she just said, "We're not staying here forever."

 I hesitated no more and went on with her. I just hope she knew where to go and I guess she did. We walked in circles however in the end we reached the old rusted gate at the other side of the airport where only a few cars were parked, Cynthia and I looked at each other as a cloaked man with dark glasses came out of the cabby.

 In a snap, Cynthia's eyes widened, she let out a gasp and ran towards the man. "John!", she screamed, she embraced and kissed him.

 It took me a moment to recognize John. What a great disguise, I thought. "I knew we would find you here!", Cynthia exclaimed.

 "Good job.", John clapped his hands in a childish manner. "I thought you two would--"

 "Oh please. It's like we've never done this before."

 "I'm sorry, but where are the others?", I stepped forward and asked. I couldn't help though what I wanted to say really was, 'Where is George?'

 It seemed that John was thinking of an answer, when I saw two men coming. One was Ringo, it was no hard for me to tell at all,and the other one...with that leather jacket..They kept on walking towards us and my excitement even grew, I could not longer stand it, I started to run. now all I could remember was my arms were around this man. I closed my eyes and as I held him tight, I whispered, "I miss you."

 There was silence. It was like no one else was there but us. The others might have left to give us a moment. "Hannah.", he said gently, patting my shoulder. "I miss you too."

 I felt my left chest twinge. I moved away a little, and forced myself to look up. I found Paul smiling at me instead, I needed a minute to stare at him. It was indeed Paul. "P-P-Paul..", I bit my thumb."I-I'm sorry, I thought you were--", I found myself shaking with tears, trying my best to calm down and not to stutter, "Wh-Where's George, huh?" But I couldn't. It was hard to.

 "Oh Hannah.", Paul took me back into his arms.

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